SURAH 24 : An-Nûr

1.         We have revealed this Surah (like other Surahs of the Quran) and have made obedience to it obligatory (like other injunctions of the Quran ~ 28:85).  The injunctions in it are very clear, so that you may always keep the facts in front of you (and know which laws must be obeyed and which  matters you should abstain from).

2.         (One difference between man and animal is that the latter has no sense of chastity. The protection of chastity is essential for the development and growth of both, the individual and the nation.  Islamic society lays emphasis on protection of chastity and in this regard the first commandment is:)  “Flog each of the Zani man and woman with one hundred lashes.  Let no compassion for them deter you from carrying out the Law of Allah; if you truly believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement.”  (If you have faith in the fact that these are the Divine Laws and that you will surely have to face the consequences, either in this world or in the hereafter)  Openly enforce this punishment in the presence of a group of Momineen.  (The punishment for slave girls is half of that ~ 4:25.  The punishment for other immoral acts has been given in verse 4:15.)

3.         Zina or illicit sexual intercourse is not an ordinary offence. If you analyze it carefully, the only woman who would agree to such sexual contact[1] is one who does not consider her chastity to be a permanent value; or who becomes subservient to her passions (instead of the Divine Laws) and surrenders to every urge (45:23).  Similarly, the only man who agrees to having such sexual intercourse is one who surrenders to his passions and does not differentiate between human and animal life.  (Thus Zina can only take place when both the man and woman are driven by similar desires[2] ~ 24:26.  If even one of them wants to remain chaste, there is no possibility of such an act ever taking place.  That is why the punishment for Zina is equal for both, the man and the woman.  Such a relationship is forbidden for Momineen.)

4.         Since chastity is regarded as a very precious virtue and a permanent value, every step should be taken to protect and safeguard it.  In this context, it is hereby decreed that those who accuse a virtuous lady and fail to bring in four witnesses in support of their accusation, shall be flogged with eighty lashes and thereafter never again be accepted as a witness.  (Deprive them of the civic rights which are normally availed by all citizens; and if even that does not deter them then inflict a severer punishment on them ~ 24:23.)  This is because they have abandoned the right path and have become wicked transgressors.

5.         However, if these people revert and refrain from such a course; and make amends; and reform themselves; then they can be pardoned.  (The Divine Law has such in-built provisions for the one who does Tauba and reforms himself.  In this way a less serious offender remains safe from punishment and continues receiving means of nourishment.)

6.         As for those who accuse their wives but have no witness except themselves, let such a person call upon Allah four times to witness that he indeed is telling the truth.

7.         And when calling out the fifth time, he should declare that if he is indeed telling a lie, then Allah’s curse should be upon him.  (In other words, he should be deprived of the facilities and fundamental rights which he enjoys as a citizen of the Islamic State.)

8-9.       (The woman would be similarly held guilty; but) If she comes out in her defense and similarly calls upon Allah four times to witness that the man is indeed  telling a lie, and if during the fifth time declares that if he indeed is truthful, then let Allah’s curse be upon her (that is she should be punished for taking a false oath).  In this way she will be absolved of the accusation.

10.        O Jamat-ul-Momineen! It is Allah’s grace and Rahmat that in His Laws He has provided for forgiveness and leniency.  (The philosophy and wisdom behind this provision is that if anyone, after realizing his fault leaves the erroneous path and returns to the Divine Laws, then in turn the Divine Laws also come back to him, speedily restoring all his rights. This approach is based on absolute wisdom (in that the purpose of making a law is to protect society as well as to reform the offender).  (If this objective can be achieved by forgiveness and leniency, then why must the punishment be inflicted?)

11.        (In light of these directives, think about the incident which took place in your society when)  Some people amongst you brought up a column against others (24:12).  They thought that this would gravely spoil or disturb the whole atmosphere, but you should not worry as such a thing will not happen.  On the contrary, something good has come out of this (in that a definite case has been decided according to the above laws and society has learnt what it ought to do in such situations).  Now everyone will receive due punishment for their misdeeds; and the ringleader’s penalty will be more grievous than others.

12.        (But under the circumstances, whereas those who fabricated the accusation and unduly publicised it must be held answerable, others too cannot be absolved of their responsibility.  Just ask them)  “When you heard this rumour, why was your first reaction not like that of righteous men and women?  You should have shown a positive attitude about your own people and should have responded:  This appears to be an accusation.”  (Until such time that an accused is found guilty in a court of law, he should be considered innocent.)

13.        Moreover it was incumbent upon the people who had made this accusation to bring four witnesses in support of their allegations (24:4).  Since they have failed to do so, it is they who are liars according to the Divine Law.

14.        This was only due to Allah’s grace and Rahmat (that the rumour did not spread far and was quickly brought under control); otherwise, given the way you had got involved in this mischief, it could have brought you nothing but devastation and misery.  The adverse effects would be felt at present, and would have continued into your future life.  (It is quite possible that your society would have become involved in a sort of civil war, severely damaging your present life and the hereafter; for the conscious killing of one Momin by another brings about the chastisement of Jahannum ~ 4:93.)

15.        In fact you did not realize the importance of the matter and took it very lightly.  Therefore the moment you heard it, you started talking about the matter and spread it further without due inquiry (17:36).  You thought that this was an ordinary matter; but according to the Divine Laws it was serious issue.

16.        And (once again) when you had heard this rumour for the first time, you should have said, “It does not suit us to say anything about it.  Without doubt it is Allah alone Who is faultless; but apparently this rumour does seem to be a very serious accusation.”

17.        (Although this episode is over now) Allah admonishes you severely.  If you are a Momineen you should never do such a thing again.

18.        This is the reason why He has clearly explained to you the provisions of the law concerning the making of false accusations.  He is All-knowing and every word of His is based on wisdom.

19.        Take note that those of you who want to spread such scandals within the Jamaat-ul-Momineen, will be severely punished in this world (due to the laws) as well as in the hereafter.  Allah knows (how seriously it damages society) whereas you do not.

20.        The fact (as has been said above in 24:14) is that were it not for Allah’s grace and Rahmat, you would have come into serious trouble.  (He guides you aright in such matters because) He does not want anyone to be ruined due to ignorance.  He is for the protection of human beings, not their destruction.

21.        (Everywhere there are people who like to spread mischief in society.)  O Jamaat-ul-Momineen!  You are advised not to follow the footsteps of such mischiefmongers.  They incite those who follow them, encouraging them towards vulgarity.  (This not only causes disorder in society but it also retards the growth of human abilities.)  And were it not for Allah’s grace and Rahmat on you (and had He not given you a code of conduct like the Quran), none of you would be able to develop your human abilities.  Such development can take place only according to the Laws given by Allah, Who is All-hearing, All-knowing.

22.        (Now that the episode is over, you too should consider it to be a bygone affair.  Let it not leave behind any effect.  We are fully aware of the feelings of those who have been directly or indirectly hurt by this accusation.)  In their hearts they must have a lot of bitter feelings against the accusers, but the incident which has been put behind by Allah now stands closed.  (You should also forget it; and wipe off its traces from your minds.)  It should not be that the affluent and generous, who have been helping their near ones who cannot earn enough for themselves as well as the muhajireen, should stop doing so.  You should also not swear to stop monetary help for anyone who was unfortunately involved in this incident (saying that in future you shall have nothing to do with them).  This should not happen at all. (On the contrary they should forgive and leave the dust behind.  Just consider: If this was a lapse on the part of anyone amongst you, would you not desire Allah’s protection against its evil effects?  This is exactly what these people desire.  So just put yourself in their position and think about the treatment you would have wished for; then give them the same treatment.  This is why Allah has incorporated the provisions of protection and nourishment.)

23.        (Although human relations demand benevolence, the provisions of law demand justice under all circumstances.  And the law is that)  Whosoever accuses chaste women who even in their dreams would not think of such lewd acts,  should be deprived of civic rights (in addition to receiving the punishment mentioned in 29:4).  Furthermore they will be punished in the hereafter.  (But they will not be deprived of their rights which they were enjoying as human beings.  The accused or convict is after all a human being.  He should not be deprived of those rights.)

24.        (The exigency of equity and justice is such that even if an accused is let off by the court because of insufficient evidence, or even if he is not apprehended in this world, he will not escape the punishment in the hereafter.)  In the hereafter their tongues, hands and feet would testify against them and clearly describe all that they had done.  (Thus they will be unable to escape the punishment there.)

25.        On that Day everyone will be paid back in full measure for their deeds; and they will surely realize that the Law of Mukafat is an established truth.

26.        (In ordinary circumstances a wicked criminal, by concealing his misdeeds, may leave a court as a freeman; and as before he would be considered to be from amongst the decent people.  Likewise it may happen that a decent and pious lady may not obtain an honorable acquittal from the court, and is instead placed in the category of wicked people.  However, whenever a fair judicial system is established, such things would rarely happen; and in the world hereafter it will not be possible at all.)  At that time the wicked will be with the wicked, and the pious with pious people.  Those who have been falsely and slanderously accused will be absolved.  They shall be safe from the mischief of wicked people and also obtain very honorable means of nourishment (24:3).

(By the degree to which the environment and standard of justice come close to that in the hereafter, life here will also continue becoming similar to that in Jannat.)

27.        O Jamat-ul-Momineen! (Now listen to some social directives) When you go to any house other than your own, seek permission; do not enter till you are granted permission to do so.  (Thereafter) Greet the residents of the house with prayers of peace and best wishes. It is better for you to keep in mind the ethics and norms of this social code, so that your society always considers the high principles of human relations.

28.               And do not enter if you find no one in the house.  Whatever the case may be, enter the houses of others only when you are given permission.  And if you are asked to leave, then turn back (without having any ill feeling in your mind). 

The circumstances around you will improve considerably by practicing this social code.  Allah’s law is well aware of whatever you do.

29.        There is however no harm if you enter houses not meant for living, such as where goods belonging to you are kept (like a warehouse).  In case goods belonging to others are also kept there and you are going in alone, there should be no dishonest intention in your mind.  Bear in mind that the Law of Mukafat is fully aware of all you do openly; and all that you conceal.

30.        (O Rasool!  Now convey to them another directive.)  Tell Momineen  that they should not let their gaze go wayward and (to keep in view) that their chastity should not become tarnished.  (Eyes are openings which can also secretly let wrong ideas develop and lead to lewdness in society.)  Human personality is nourished by purity of sight and mind.  (Also tell them that these directives are not to be observed mechanically.  They should become a part of their personality because) Allah’s Law of Mukafat is fully aware about which action takes place mechanically (and which occurs spontaneously from the depth of one’s heart).

31.        Likewise tell Momin women to not let their gazes go wayward; they should also fully guard their chastity.  It is also imperative for them not display their adornments, except what becomes apparent by itself when moving around normally (as intentional display would mean that they have an inner desire to express4).  And let them cover their bosoms (so that mischief-mongers cannot say that they were unaware that these ladies were noble; for otherwise they would not have pestered them ~ 33:59).  While walking they should not strike down their feet, in order not to draw attention to their hidden ornaments.


4 One reason that women are forbidden to display their adornment is obvious, in that it invokes wayward thoughts in the minds of men; but there is another more deep-rooted reason behind it.  For centuries the wrong guidance for women has implanted the idea in her mind (by men) that the sole purpose of her creation is to satisfy some peculiar desires of men.  Her existence does not mean anything in itself.  By adornment and its exhibition she, consciously or otherwise, thinks that she is fulfilling her role.  Furthermore men praise this, so that this thought embodies itself in her mind.  According to the Quran men and women are equal human beings and they both have unique roles in life.  Woman’s life is not only to fulfill any of man’s goals.  The Quran therefore wants to remove from her mind this wrong thought, of which she has been a victim for a long time.  (This is the reason for stopping her from showing off her adornment.)  The Quran does not want women to become men’s playmates.  It wants her to find her high position.  It wants both men and women to meet as human beings.  This world will change the day when this is clearly understood. 

            The above directive that women should not display their adornments is necessary only for the non-Mahram (those who one can marry).  The Mahram (who one cannot marry) are not included. The Mahram are: their husbands; their fathers; their husband’s fathers; their sons; their husband’s sons (including their own sons or step sons); their brothers; their brother’s sons; their sister’s sons; their women-folk (known or familiar to them); their male or female slaves (who in those days were commonly working as domestic servants); aged male attendants who are beyond sexual desires; and children who are as yet unaware of sexual relations. (Note that the Quran closed the doors on slavery; and all slaves were gradually absorbed into society.)

            These are general laws for society, to which all Momin men and women should revert so that they may attain happiness and success.

32.        It is also the duty of your society to make arrangements for the marriage of unmarried males or females (whether they are bachelors, widows or widowers); and also for male or female slaves5 who are capable of marriage.  (In other words society should make arrangements that one should not have any difficulty in finding a suitable match.  Also if those who intend to marry need financial help, suitable support should be arranged.)

            All arrangements should be made by the social order ordained by Allah,Who is infinite in His bounties and is All-knowing.  (The state government that is formed under Divine Laws must be like this.) 


5 Wherever Quran mentions male and female slaves, it means the slaves which were generally found in Arab society at that time.  The Quran gradually absorbed them into the free society and closed the doors of slavery forever. 

33.        And let those who cannot afford to marry, live in continence (and protect their chastity6) till the Divine System makes suitable arrangements for them.

            And for your male and female slaves who desire to obtain a release, write it out for them, provided you think that they are quite capable of looking after themselves.  (In other words, you have to ensure that they are not dull or weak in understanding, or are capable of looking after themselves on their own ~ 4:5-6.)  For that purpose give them something from yourself, out of the wealth that Allah has provided to you.  Do not stop your young girls (maid servants or slave girls) who are desirous of marriage, from marrying in order to gain some worldly benefit.  They may otherwise resort to illicit relations.  If anyone of you forces them to do so, there exists a provision in the Divine Law for their protection against this coercion and for their nourishment. (It certainly is incumbent on the Divine System to protect their rights.)

34.        And We have revealed unto you these directives in clear and candid terms.  Also (in order to explain and illustrate them further) We have quoted some evidence from the history of earlier generations, showing what happens to those who rebel against the Divine Laws. Therefore Our directives and the historical evidence given in their support are clear guidelines which provide high ethical values for those who want their lives to be safe from devastation. 

6 The Holy Quran has even allowed, in emergency the eating of forbidden food in the event that it is an extraordinary need (6:146).  However it has not allowed the fulfillment of sexual desires out of the permissible way.  This is so because hunger is not in man’s control.  Deprivation of food may result in sickness and eventual death.  However, arousal of the sexual desires is in man’s control.  Its non-fulfillment does not matter.  Therefore there is no question of any emergent situation.

 35.        (All these guidelines coming to you from Allah the Almighty, will illuminate the dark avenues of your life ~ 5:15; 42:52.)  This light (is not given to you alone but) is spread throughout the universe.

            (Allah has created everything and then provided the guidance which would take it to its destined course ~ 20:51.  This light has not been provided to you alone; it is spread all over.  This guidance is given instinctively to everything in the universe at the very time of its creation.  However to human beings, it is given separately in the form of a Book.)  A parable of this torch of Allah’s guidance (Wahi) is that it is like that of a light source which is placed in a niche (which is closed from the back and therefore safe; but open in front from where this light can spread everywhere).This light source would be like a glittering lamp giving out  pure, clear and soothing light while it is enclosed in a spotlessly clear transparent glass wherein it is safe from outward impurities (41:42).  This light itself shines like a radiant star from where rivulets of light emerge.  Furthermore that lamp is lit from the oil of the blessed olive tree, which is far above any affinity with the east or west and is available to all human beings alike.  That oil itself is not dependent on any outside source for its ignition.  It is luminous by itself and provides light to others.  (Wahi therefore does not need any outside help to explain its text.)  In fact it is much more than a lamp; it is many layers of light, one set upon the other.  It is the embodiment of light; it is all light.

            Such is the light of Allah (the Wahi) towards which He guides everyone who seeks guidance.  Allah propounds such perceptible parables to explain abstract realities, so that people may comprehend clearly.  Such parables come from Allah, Who knows what the reality is and how best it can be explained by various similitudes.

36.        This light of Allah’s Wahi illuminates the homes (of Jamaat-ul-Momineen) where various attributes and directives of Allah are under constant consideration; and whereby they attain high positions in the world.  (By always adhering to these Laws)  The residents of these homes are (continuously) busy, day and night, establishing and stabilising the Divine System.

37.        (One should not get the impression that this Jamaat is a group of clergy who have left aside all worldly affairs; and are busy only in religious rituals.) These people do carry on with their normal worldly business; but the professions such as trade, commerce, buying and selling, neither divert their attention from the Divine Order, nor do they make them neglect the important obligations of life.  And what are these important statutory obligations?  They are the establishment of the system of Salat, in which everyone will follow the Divine Laws and provide means of growth and development for all mankind.  They are watchful  (about the very thought) of the Day when their hearts and the eyes will outrightly change; when veils over their eyes will be removed; and they will come face to face with absolute realities (50:22).

38.        (This revolution takes place according to the Law of Mukafat whereby every action produces a perceptible result.  The outcome of wrong deeds is nothing but devastion and)  The reward for noble deeds is extremely handsome and pleasant.  In fact the reward for noble deeds is returned a hundred times over (2:261).  People who seek sustenance according to the Divine Laws receive much more than their expectations.

39.        On the contrary, the deeds of those who reject the guidance of this Divine Light, are like a mirage in a desert; whereby a man parched with thirst mistakes it for water and on reaching there finds that it was nothing but a visual delusion.  At that point one does find one thing at least: that Allah’s Law of Mukafat is (always) present with him and that it settles all scores forthwith; for Allah is swift in reckoning.

40.        (In contrast to the Divine Light) The similitude of their deeds is the depth of darkness in a vast and deep ocean, that is further darkened by waves billowing over waves and the dark clouds above.  These will be such depths of darkness, layer upon layer, that one can even hardly see his outstreched hand; for  how can he get any light from anywhere else when Allah’s light (of Wahi) is not available?

 41.       (Despite the availability of this light which illuminates the world, man alone is wasting his life in the deepest depths of darkness.  This is not the case with other things in the universe.)  If you ponder it seriously, you will conclude that everything that exists in the universe is very seriously and fervently active, throughout the day and night, performing its destined functions.  (Just see the birds which with their wings outspread fly thousands of miles across the sky to reach their destination, doing so without any outside guidance or sign post.  They never get lost because)  Everything in the universe knows its destined functions (Salat) and also knows how to perform it (Tasbeeh).  Therefore it is busy achieving its destiny.

            This is because of Allah’s light which is spread all over the universe.  It is because of this light that everything in the universe is fully aware of its destination and of the ways leading to it.  Allah also knows everything that everyone is doing.

42.        Remember!  Sovereignty over the entire universe rests with Allah alone and it is only His Law that is in force.  Everything in the universe is destined towards Him; and nothing can go beyond the control of His Laws.

43.        Do you not see you see how clouds gently continue moving around and intermix to become one; and how when they become a layered heap, the rain starts pouring down.  It appears as if the drops of rain are coming down from within these clouds; and when these clouds are atop mountains, their water content is frozen into snow.  (Later this snow melts into water and flows down.)  The water reaches those who want to put it to use; and for those who do not desire it, the water flows away.  (Water is freely available for everyone’s benefit, but only the person who puts it to use according to the laws of nature can benefit from it.  If one does not want it, the water turns away and continues flowing onward along its course.)

            (Besides water and snow) Out of these clouds comes the strong flash of lightning which dazzles the sight (2:19-20).

44.        It is the same Law of Allah which alternates day and night (that one follows the other).  In all these laws of nature there is enough matter for those who have the vision to take lessons from, and cross the bounds of, outer universe and come to the human society.  (They can then safely conclude that if human society is run according to Allah’s Divine Laws, it can also produce extremely pleasant results.)

45.        And according to His Law, Allah has created every living being out of water (in that the process of life was initiated from water and its survival also depends on it ~ 21:30).  Among living objects there are some which crawl on their bellies, some walk on two legs and some on four.  Allah creates whatever He likes according to His Law of creation.  He has set measures for everything; and He has absolute control over everything.

46.        And behold how We have revealed these Laws which clearly explain everything.  Thus these laws guide whoever wants such guidance, to a well-balanced and very straight path of life.

47.        (But only those who firmly believe in the truthfulness of these laws and act accordingly, can get to this straight and balanced path.  However) There are some people (munafeqeen) among them, who express verbal Eiman on Allah and His Rasool and claim to obey them; but some among them will turn away after this.  In actual fact they are not at all  Momineen.

48.        (The proof of their attitude is that) Whenever they are called towards this system established by the Rasool to manifest Allah’s directives, so that he may adjudicate between them, a section of them (as referred to above) turns away.

49.        But if they come to know that the decision would be in their favour, they submissively come running to him.

50.        This attitude of theirs is very surprising for sincere Momineen.  They fail to understand what has gone wrong with these people.)  Are they psychologically sick (which makes them so capricious); or are they in some doubt that the Divine Code is not based on truth; or are they apprehensive that Allah and His Rasool  (the Divine order) would be unjust to them?  (In fact there is nothing of that sort. These people do not want to obey this system and are rebelling because it does not allow them to commit  aggression on anyone.)  Indeed they are the zalimeen.  (Because tyrants find justice being administered against their vested interests, they do not want to comply with the Divine order.)

51.        (Whenever people who have firm faith in the truthfulness of the system are called upon to have their disputed matters adjudged, their spontaneous response is, “Yes we have heard the call and we are ready to obey it.”  These people will flourish and live a happy and successful life.

52.        In fact the only people who can be successful are those who obey the Divine System, are watchful of (the consequences of disobeying) these Laws and  who fully guard them.

53.        These people (the Munafiqeen) make you believe by strongest oaths on Allah,  that if they are called upon to fight a war they would certainly come out fully prepared.  Tell them, “There is no need to swear, but instead give practical proof by obeying it.  Obedience or compliance needs no oaths for recognition. Visible or open compliance is its own proof.”  Allah is fully aware of all that you do.

54.        Tell them once again (that instead of trying to create confidence by such swearing), “You have to give practical proof by obeying Allah and His Rasool. The Divine System set up by His Rasool will clarify your stand. If these people turn away after this (then the Rasool will not be held responsible). The responsibility of the Rasool is to convey the divine revelations in clear and explicit terms. Thereafter it is up to you to obey these or not.  If you obey them you will get the guidance to the correct way (but if you turn away, you yourself will suffer the consequences).

55.        (The question arises as to what one would gain by obeying these Laws? Allah has promised people who have faith in the truthfulness of the Divine Laws and who do the righteous deeds, that He will establish their authority on this earth ~ 33:27; and their government will turn their land into Jannah ~ 39:74.)  This is Our eternal Law according to which We caused previous generations to establish their authority on this earth (28:6).  According to this Law and as a result of their Eiman and righteous deeds, We will grant them rule over the land and strengthen the system of life which We have chosen for them.  The result will be that it will replace their erstwhile state of fear by a sense of security and peace; so that they may obey Our Laws in comfort.  Also there will be no pressure on them to obey any one else, thus becoming guilty of Shirk.  (No worldly power or authority should force them to obey man-made or other laws instead of those given by Allah.)

            (But keep one thing in mind. This Order will last as long as they continue obeying Our Laws.)  For those who after the establishment of the system do not work according to it (and start enforcing their own laws), this will amount to going astray and abandoning the straight path which leads them to the right destination.  (They will thus be deprived of the bounties of a blissful life which are the result of Eiman and righteous deeds.  When the basis is lost how can its fruitful results be sustained?)

56.        (Therefore, if you want to achieve such authority in the land and ensure its continuity) You have to establish the system of Salat and make the social structure along a line that ensures that mankind continues getting the maximum means of nourishment.  (This is not an individual function, but a collective effort possible only under a disciplined and orderly system. For this it is important that) You should obey the Rasool (the center of authority in the system); and the result will be that the divine bounties will be showered on you.

            (Keep in mind that the one and only way of establishing supremacy of your deen and living an Islamic way of life, is if you make the entire fabric of society conform with Quranic injunctions.  And thereafter everyone should obey the system.)

57.        (Keep implementing this programme without any apprehension or fear and)  Do not even think that the people who oppose this system will ever succeed in subverting or making Our programme helpless.  (Certainly not!)  All their efforts will end up in smoke and their fate will be extremely miserable.

58.        (Now come back to certain other social customs, some of which have been mentioned afore. It is important that you should have  privacy in your houses.)

            O Momineen, your servants and your young ones who have not yet attained the age of puberty can move about the house freely.  This is permissible.  However if they want to come into your rooms when you are in privacy, (say for example) before the morning prayers, or after you lay aside your garments in the middle of the day and after the night prayers, they should seek permission before entering.  This would cause inconvenience neither to you nor to others.  Besides these times they may move about freely.  This is how Allah makes His directives, which are based on knowledge and wisdom, clear to you.

59.        When these children reach the age of puberty, let them (at all times) seek your permission to enter your houses just like other adults who have been enjoined to do so (24:27).  In this way Allah makes clear to you His directives, which are based on knowledge and wisdom.

60.        (It has been mentioned before that women should cover their bosoms and avoid display of their adornments ~ 24:31.  But)  For women who are old and have passed the age of marriage and no longer have desire for it, there is no harm if they do away with the over-coverings, provided the motive in doing so is not the display of their adornment (33:33).  Yet if they are careful (and continue wearing them) it is better for them.  Remember Allah is All-seeing, All-knowing.  (The intention for not wearing the over-coverings, whether for showy display of charms or out of necessity, cannot remain hidden from Him.)

61.        (The above directive in which We asked you to take permission before entering houses belonging to others, is not intended to create any estrangement among near relatives; it was essentially to maintain privacy to a degree. However in order to nurture relationships)  There is no harm in eating in your own houses; or (if need be) from your father’s; your mother’s; your brother’s; your sister’s; your father’s brother’s; your father’s sister’s; your mother’s brother’s; your mother’s sister’s; from houses whose management is in your hands; or in the houses of your sincere friends.  (This does not in any way mean that you are disabled or needy.  It is an expression of a close-knit society.  In this regard) There is no discrimination between the disabled, the blind, the lame, the sick or other physically unfit persons.  They are all alike and on the basis of relationships; and not as a charity, they enjoy meals with each other.  (Evidently all Momineen are members of one society and the best expression of this is to eat together and share everything.)  However, do not consider this to mean that eating alone is detestable, as there is no harm in eating alone if need be.

            (As mentioned before in 24:27), You should seek permission before entering other people’s residences.  And then greet each other invoking Allah’s blessings and countless pleasures.  This is how Allah makes His directives clear unto you, so that you may live in society under the light of these directives, using your intellect and reasoning.

62.        (Now, after socio-customary directions, come the problems concerning the polity.  Here it is important to understand that in order to be a Momin, mere observance of social etiquette is not enough.)  Real momins are those who firmly believe in the truthfulness of Divine Laws which they have received through Muhammad’s Risalat.  Practically, when they are working with the center of their system (the position held by Rasool in his lifetime) on matters concerning the whole community, they should not depart (unilaterally) without getting permission from that central authority.  This shows that they really have firm faith in Allah and His Rasool.

(So, O Rasool!)  When they ask leave of you for some business of their own, grant it to whosoever you consider suitable.  In this way those who depart will not be deprived of Allah’s protection which is available to those who actively participate in that activity.  Such exceptions are provided for in His Laws of protection and Rahmat.

63.        And remember; when you receive a call from the center of the Divine System (Rasool), do not take it lightly like you would treat your own calls from each other (62:9).  (Do not be under the impression that if you slip away quietly no one will notice; for) Allah is well aware of those who slip away surreptitiously, ignoring this directive.  They should be very careful lest they become involved in some serious trouble which can bring grievous suffering and result in their destruction.

64.        Remember that in accordance with the Law of Mukafat, everything which exists in the universe is actively fulfilling the mission assigned to it (53:31).  Allah knows the path you are taking and when the Day of Reckoning comes, He will tell you about whatever you had been doing, for He has full knowledge of everything.

[1]  Here the word (Nikah) means the sexual act, not marriage in the technical sense. The word (Nikah) has also been used in these meanings. 

[2] Rape has a different nature; the woman cannot be held guilty in cases of rape and the guilt of man in this case would be twice as much.

Surah 24. AN-NUR – The Beacon for Peace
In the name of Allah the gracious the merciful.
[1] This constitution is revealed by Us and recommended by Us for mankind
because in it are revealed by Us clear goals for mankind so that you attain
and maintain peace and prosperity.
[2] Any administration or community that lives outside Our this constitution
and any administrator or individual that lives outside Our this constitution by
its own make beliefs, bring each and every one of them round to it even if they
are gathered around hundreds of separate ideologies and let nothing get in
your way for removing harmful things from them in accordance to the
constitution of Allah if you really are committed to working for peace for the
good end result for humanity. Moreover let a department of administration of
those who are committed to working for peace closely observe causes of their
[3] Any administrator or individual who decides to live outside Our constitution
does not join it but instead joins the administration or community that also
decides to live outside Our constitution or a community that lives by rule of
other than that of Allah. Any administration or community that decides to live
outside Our constitution does not join it but instead joins the administrator or
administration/community that also decides to live outside Our constitution or
a community that lives by rule of other than that of Allah, however to do such
a things is not right for those who claim to be committed to working for
[4] Those who under false pretence try to overthrow administrations or
communities that work properly according to Our constitution and cannot
produce even a few reliable witnesses to support their words and actions, separate them from community isolating them for good and do not accept
their testimonies ever because they are rebels
[5] unless they repent thereafter and make good the loss they have caused, in
that case Allah is surely graceful and merciful.
[6] As for individuals who accuse their own administrations or communities for
not working according to divine constitution but have no witness except
themselves, each one of them shall be made to swear four times under oath
in the name of Allah that one’s accusation is true,
[7] and the fifth time one should be made to say that may Allah isolate one
from His mercy and leave one open to suffering if one is lying.
[8] The consequences will be averted from the administration if the
administration personnel also swears four times under oath in the name of
Allah that the charge by the accuser is false,
[9] and the fifth time one representing administration or community should be
made to say that may Allah isolate one from His mercy and leave one open to
suffering if the charge against it is true.
In case of a few separate complaints against administrations, there should be
proper investigations of the matter because isolated accusations become
credible evidence that something is really wrong in the administration or
community as in Surah 65 al Tallaaq.
[10] If it were not for Allah’s revelation as mercy for you, you would have no
method of handling these situations. Allah surely turns to people with His
guidance full of wisdom.
[11] Those who would concoct false accusations against others are numerous
among you. Do not regard this necessarily an utterly bad thing for you rather it
could prove useful for you in other ways like it keeps you alert ready to deal
with dangers. Whoever takes any part in such exercises earns his share of
consequences accordingly and the one who takes upon oneself the leading
role faces the bigger consequences.
[12] Why is it that when those administrators or individuals and the
administrations or the communities that are committed to working for peace
hear such accusations against each other do not think better for each other
and say, such accusations are clearly a false thing without any proving
[13] Why the accusers do not produced four witnesses? If they cannot
produce the required reliable witnesses then they are liars in the light of
Allah’s constitution.
[14] Were it not for the revelation as mercy of Allah for you in this world and
the Hereafter, you would have suffered severely the painful suffering due to
your involvement in such kind of things
[15] when you pass on with your tongues and uttered with your mouths
accusations about which you have no proof. You take such a serious thing so
lightly while it is a very serious offence in the light of Allah’s constitution.
[16] When you hear false accusations against each other why do you not say,
it is not fitting for us as workers for peace to take part in such things, God
forbid, it is such a destructive thing to do?
[17] Allah admonishes you never to turn to such things if you are really
committed to working for peace.
[18] Allah makes His revelations clear for you because Allah is All-Knowing
and All-Wise.
[19] Those who love to broadcast such slanders among those who are
committed to working for peace will end up in painful suffering in this life as
well as in the Hereafter. Allah makes evident the consequences yet you do
not bother to know.
[20] Were it not for the revelation as mercy of Allah for you, you could have
destroyed yourselves through such things so Allah is indeed very Kind and
Merciful for mankind.
[21] O you who claim to be committed to working for peace, follow not the
goals of the one with destructive mindset and harmful attitude towards
mankind because anyone who follows the goals of any such person should
know that he will only influence one towards committing harmful acts against
others that will bring destruction upon humanity from which Allah stops you. If
there had not been the revelation as mercy of Allah for you then none of you
would have ever been freed from harming and destroying others, for it is
constitution of Allah for the good of mankind whereby Allah frees people from
harming and destroying each other through following of His program, for Allah
is All-Hearing and all knowing.
[22] So let not those among you who are graced with prosperity and greater
means ever decide to withhold their help from those who depend on their help, be they indigent or those who left their homes for establishing the road map of
Allah for sake of better relations and mutual cooperation for bringing about a
better society, do you not wish that Allah dignifies you with prosperity through
mutual cooperation? For Allah is gracious and merciful.
[23] Those who try to take advantage of properly functioning administrations
through their blind-spots and loopholes are distancing themselves from
revelation of Allah therefore His grace in this life and in the Hereafter, they are
bound to end up in hell of their own making unless they repent and reform.
[24] Such people should know that there comes a time when people’s own
tongues and their own hands and their own feet expose them through results
of their own actions against Our constitution, for people act on their intentions
and motive thus end up exposing themselves.
[25] The time is coming when Allah will make such people face the
consequences they deserve then they will realize that Allah surely makes
evident the truth about all affairs of human concern.
[26] Harmful and destructive administrations or communities result from
harmful and destructive actions of administrators or individuals and harmful
and destructive administrators or individuals are result of actions of harmful
and destructive administrations or communities, and beneficial administrations
or communities result as a consequence of the actions of beneficial
administrators or individuals and beneficial administrators or individuals result
from actions of beneficial administrations or communities, so it is clear that
those who are free from intentions and motivations for harming and destroying
others any allegations of corruption against them cannot prove true because
their character and conduct is obvious to the community whether they
benefitted others or harmed them. It is such like people for whom is dignified
provision according to constitution of Allah.
[27] O you who claim to be committed to working for peace, do not enter
departments of administrations – other than departments under jurisdiction or
responsibility of your own – without seeking permission from the appropriate
authorized personnel of the department of administration assuring the
administration in there that you came to carry out your business in peace
having no intention of acting corruptly or causing trouble, following this
procedure is better for you so that you could prosper.
[28] If you do not find the appropriate personnel to gain access then do not
enter until you find the authorized person and gain permission and even if you
do find the person yet if you are requested to return at another time then
come back at another time you are told. This is more fitting for you and Allah
makes evident by its result all that you do.
[29] There is no prohibition for you the administration to take under your
control any derelict land or property that is not used by anybody to make good
use of it for the good of the community and remember that Allah makes
obvious all that you do in the public view and all that you do in private through
result of your actions.
[30] Say to the administrators or individuals who are responsible for border
security, to keep their observations up to standard to ensure the exits and the
entries under their responsibilities are well guarded. That is a good safety
measure for them as a community against uninvited harmful elements. Surely
Allah is well aware of their motives, plots and actions.
[31] Likewise say to the administrations or communities working with them for
ensuring security including border security to keep their eyes open to ensure
their border exists and entries as well as any other possible security breaches
are well guarded and they should not expose to danger their confidential
information that ensures their well being except what needs to be displayed of
it to show alertness but they should keep under cover their confidential
information and main assets and should not expose them to any other save
their own authorized personnel like their own superior administrators or even
their superior administrators or their subordinate administrators, or even their
subordinate administrators, or their supporting administrators and their
subordinate administrators, or their supporting administrations and their
subordinate administrators or their communities or their subordinate
administrations that work under them or their standby personnel that are not
kept as backup in case of need or the personnel under training who are not
yet ready to take on full responsibilities of their communities. Moreover they
should not recruit foot guards such people who may give away the secret
information that they are supposed to guard. So turn to Allah’s constitution all
of you O you who claim to be committed to working for peace so that you may
attain prosperity.
[32] Moreover get the individuals from among you both men and women who
can do a lot of good to join the administration to serve the community. If they
lack in anything program of Allah will help them improve themselves and be
able to fulfil requirements. for administration of Allah should bring about plenty
of resources, which Allah will make evident in due course.
[33] And let those who do not yet qualify for entering the contract for
administration to serve community due to lack of age or knowledge keep
themselves working hard till Allah enables them with qualifications out of His
bounty. As for those of your servants in your administrations who wish to free
themselves from administrative responsibilities they should hand in their
resignations appropriately and you should accept their resignations if you
deem it appropriate and also give them appropriate gift out of the community
wealth which Allah has given under your management. Do not force any of
the communities or administrative work forces under you into poverty that they
are forced to do things against divine constitution which they rather not do, for
your own worldly gains against the set rules, and if any individual or
community forces them into conduct against constitution then surely after
such a compulsion Allah will still gracefully show them the way to free
themselves from such conduct, for Allah is merciful for mankind.
[34] Moreover We have already revealed to you clear goals and cited
examples of those people who passed away before you to serve as a lesson
for those who want to be consistent with Allah and humanity.
[35] The constitution of Allah is the guiding torch for all the people in the high
places as well as the people sunk in to the earth. The example of His torch for
peace is like that of a Niche in which there is a lamp that is enclosed in a
crystal globe and the globe radiates brilliance like that of a guiding star visible
for all to see from everywhere, which is fueled by plenty of olive tree that is
neither from the East nor from the West, it is all set ready to light up as soon
as ignited as if to add light of knowledge to the knowledge of already
knowledgeable person, thus Allah guides to His light of knowledge whoever
wants to be guided. This is how Allah explains with examples His message
clearly for the people to make obvious to them that Allah knows about all
[36] His constitution for peace should be installed in the houses for
administrations which Allah recommends people to built for carrying out His
set tasks in His name wherein people strive hard day and night,
[37] such people whom nothing should prevent from carrying out their daily
tasks for their own families nor tasks for the benefit of the public according to
the constitution of Allah, that is how they should establish divine order in order
to achieve freedom for the community from all harms and destructions, keeping in forefront of their minds always the consequences that will ensue in
time to come if they failed in carrying out their public and private duties
[38] Allah will surely reward them according to the their good works for others
and add for them even more out of His grace, for Allah gives plenty to
whoever wants it through his hard work.
[39] As for the opposes of Our guidance, the results for their works are like a
mirage in a sandy desert, which the thirsty traveler thinks to be water but
when he gets near, he finds it to be nothing, that is how he finds Allah settling
his account, for Allah rewards people according to their works that if you do
nothing fruitful you end up with nothing fruitful.
[40] Or the example of a people living outside the light of Our constitution is
that of a person in the darkness of the ocean overwhelmed with wave after
wave over him like mountains- covering one like layers of utter darkness one
above another so much so that if one stretches out one’s hand, one will hardly
see it. Likewise the one whom Allah does not see coming to His light of
guidance and use his mind to see it, will have no light.
[41] Do you not see that it is for manifestation of Allah’s sovereignty that
whatever is in the heavens and in the earth strives? The very birds manifest
His laws at work as they flap their wings in their flight. Each of them makes
evident His order and His laws, that is how Allah makes obvious all that they
[42] To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth therefore it is
ultimately up to Allah to set their goal.
[43] Do you not see that because it up to Allah set goals for all things even the
clouds move slowly according to His program to fulfil it, which thus causes
them to come together then piles up in masses and so you see the rain
dropping from inside them? He likewise causes hails from the clouds that look
like mountains in the sky, afflicting therewith whoever makes oneself
deserving it and turning it away from whoever makes not oneself deserving it. The flash of its lightning almost takes away the sight.
[44] Allah alternates the night and the day by rotation of the earth around itself;
there is indeed a lesson in it for those who have the insight.
[45] Allah has originated all life forms from water and of them some creep
upon their bellies and others that walk on two legs and yet others that walk on
four. Allah creates what He planned, surely Allah has setup laws to operate
[46] Likewise laws in universe We have revealed clear goals for mankind as
well whereby Allah guides to the way of peace that is firmly founded on terms
for peace.
[47] Even though people say, we are committed to working for peace along
with the messenger according to the constitution yet no sooner they utter
these words that some of them turn their backs when it comes to following it
through in deeds. That is how they show they are not committed to working
for peace.
[48] When such people are summoned according to constitution of Allah by
court of His Messenger that he may resolve any disputes between them
according to divine constitution, behold! A party of them declines to come
unless arrested and brought before the court.
[49] However if they are sure that legal right is on their side then they come to
him voluntarily.
[50] Is there a legitimate concern in their minds or are they worried Allah and
His Messenger will deny them justice? Nay! In fact they are the ones who are
the transgressors.
[51] The response of those who are truly committed to working for peace
when they are summoned according to Allah’s constitution by His messenger
so that he may judge between them should be to say, we hear and we obey. Such are the ones who will attain and maintain prosperity.
[52] It is because only those who are consistent with program of Allah along
with His messenger are mindful of Allah for the good of others, that is why
they are bound to succeed and prosper.
[53] Some swear by Allah that if you command them, they will go forth leaving
their homes. Say, you do not need to swear to assure me, your consistency to
your commitment will count only by doing not your empty word under oaths, rest assured Allah will make evident for all to see all that you will do.
[54] Say, be consistent with program of Allah by being consistent with the
messenger but even If you do not, the messenger is still under obligation to
fulfil his duty, as you are under obligation to fulfil yours so if you do what his
assignment is for you then you have followed the right course of actions. The
mission of the messenger is only to deliver the message clearly.
[55] But it is Allah who has promised those of you who have committed to
working for peace by way of removing the obstacles in the way of peace to
pave the way for peace that He will surely make them inherent the land as a
community for the good of humanity as He made their ancestors inherit the
land before them through their hard work and that He will establish for them
their progressive and prosperous way of peaceful life, the one which He has
advised them to create for themselves, that is how He will change their
present state of fear into peace and security. So let them therefore serve My
constitution alone and take no other sovereign beside Me. Moreover if any
individual or community opposes My constitution henceforth then it that
person or community shall be treated as rebel and transgressor.
[56] So establish divine constitution to attain freedom from all harm as a
community thus be consistent with the messenger so that you could be shown
progress and prosperity.
[57] Never think that those who oppose Our constitution can totally derail Our
program in the land, for their end is assured painful suffering unless they
repent and reform, and that is a terrible state of existence to be in.
[58] O you who claim to be committed to working for peace, let the people
who wish to serve you as your new administration as well as those who have
not yet completed their term seek your consent before leaving and
commencing their work on three occasions, before the start of new term, in
middle of the term for whatever reasons and when the contract expires at the
end of the term. These are the three times when you the community are most
vulnerable so take extra care. At other times there should be no obstacle for
you when you the public and they the administration go around seeing one
another for business as usual. Thus Allah makes His guidelines clear for you,
for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
[59] And when your administrations reach their end of term let them still ask
your permission as their predecessor did to continue or leave the office. Thus
Allah makes His guidelines clear for you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
[60] There is no obstacle in the way of such administrations that have no
interest in renewing their contract for another term, if they lay aside their
cloaks of responsibility without exposing the valuable confidential information,
for it is better for them if they refrain from doing so and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
[61] There should be left no obstacles in the way of a person lacking in
knowledge nor in the way of a person lacking experience or in the way a
person physically incapacitated preventing one from participation in your
community or administration. Nor should there be any problem for you to
participate in your directly related ancestral organizations or directly related
main organizations or closely related groups or closely related parties, or your
indirectly related ancestral groups, or your indirectly related ancestral parties, or your closely related remote groups, or your closely related remote parties, or your sincere friendly organizations, or any other administration or
community or party which is open for you. There is no obstacle in your way
whether you participate as individuals or as communities, groups, parties or
organizations but that when you enter into any task with others, you should
assure each other that you are working to ensure their peace and prosperity. Thus Allah makes His goals clear to you, so that you may grow in
understanding and community.
[62] Surely the truly committed to working for peace are those who commit to
working for peace for Allah along His messenger and who when they are
gathered around him concerning any matter requiring collective action do not
depart until they have been given his permission or unless they seek his
permission – only those who ask your permission are the ones truly committed
to working for peace for mission of Allah along His messenger – so when any
of them asks your permission to leave and attend to theirs private business, you may give permission to those of them whom you deem appropriate but
keep working on program of Allah seeking their progress and prosperity.
[63] Do not treat such summoning of the messenger in the same way as you
consider the calling of each other among yourselves. Allah knows those of
you who slip away hiding themselves behind others. Let those who disregard
his such summoning beware that if they do not come to realise their
importance for the society the society could end up in troubles.
[64] Be aware! Whatever is in the heavens and in the earth belongs to Allah. He makes evident by their results all your thoughts and actions. So the time is
coming when those living outside constitution of Allah will be brought by each
others to live by His constitution alone and that is how He will show them all
that they would have done. That is how Allah will make evident that He knows

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