SURAH 12 : Yousuf
SURAH 12 : Yousuf (1-2) Says Allah, Aleem and Raheem: These are the verses of the Book which makes everything clear. We have revealed it as Quran, explicit…
Our Lord, Guide us to the Easy Path
SURAH 12 : Yousuf (1-2) Says Allah, Aleem and Raheem: These are the verses of the Book which makes everything clear. We have revealed it as Quran, explicit…
SURAH 11 : HUD (1-4) Allah, Aleem and Raheem, says: This is the Book whose contents rest upon strong foundations and have been set forth clearly…
SURAH 10 : Yûnus (1) Allah, Aleem and Raheem, says: These are the verses of the Book which is all wisdom. (2) Do these people wonder why…
SURAH 9 : At-Taubah (1-3) (As already stated in 2/144, the Rasool and the Jama’at-ul-Momineen in Madina had constant yearning that they should have possession of, and jurisdiction…
SURAH 8 : Al-Anfâl (1) O Rasool, they ask you what is to be done with Anf’al. Tell them, “the Anf’al will remain…
SURAH 7: Al-A’râf (1) Thus says Allah, the Knowing, the Wise and the Insightful:- (2) This Book has been sent down to you so that…
SURAH 6 : Al-An’âm (1) Absolute Hamd is for Allah alone (1/1) who created the universe and devised darkness and light. Those who reject the Divine laws…
SURAH 5: Al-Mâ’idah 1 O Jama’at-ul-Momineen, observe the restrictions imposed on you by Allah carefully. He has made animals which graze, lawful for you, as…
SURAH 4: An-Nisâ’ 1 O humanity! adhere to the Laws of your Sustainer Who initiated your creation with a single life-cell…
SURAH 3: ’Ale- Imran 1-4 Allah, the Wise and the Knowing, has said: “Allah is the Sole Authority in the Universe and is…