SURAH 27 : An-Naml |
1. This is a directive from Allah, the All-powerful, All-hearing. The Divine Laws which are being presented to you are from the Quran, a Book that has explicit guidance.
2. It guides those who are convinced of its truthfulness. It guides them to the right path and gives them the glad tidings of very pleasant results.
3. These are the people who (after declaring their belief in the Divine Code) establish the Nizam-us-Salat and make arrangements to provide means of development for the whole of mankind. They also have firm belief in the Law of Mukafat and life hereafter.
4. On the other hand there are people who do not believe in life after death. (As they confine life to this world only, their aim is to derive maximum benefits for this purpose.) To them their deeds appear to be very pleasing and they continue stumbling in this self-deception.
5. This erroneous way of life will bring on them the worst kind of punishment. (Even if they do get some petty benefits here) Their future is destroyed; and eventually they will be the greatest losers.
6. O Rasool! The Quran has been bestowed on you (so that you can save mankind from great suffering and destruction). This Quran is from the God Who with His wisdom is keeping the entire universe on the right course; and He is fully aware of the requirements of everything. (He knows what everything will become after proper development; and what it will need to become that.)
7. (It has repeatedly been said that the outcome of following an erroneous path will be destruction and suffering. As an example consider the tussle between Moses and Pharaoh. Start this story with the incident when Moses and his companions, who were at the foothills of a mountain, could not find their way in the pitch dark and very cold night.) Moses said to them, “See that fire (far away on the mountain). You stay here while I go and get some directions; and at least bring a flame with which you may warm yourselves (and are able to spend the night comfortably ~ 28:29).
When Moses reached the fire, he heard a voice, “The place where you see the fire (the top of Mount Sinai) and its surroundings (the land of Palestine) is highly blessed land (for a number of Anbia will be born here; and for the Bani-Israel this will be the land of great revolutions). (7:137; 28:30)
(But you should not assume that these blessings and bounties will be confined to this land only, while the rest of the world remains deprived. No that is not the rule.) The Sustainer (Rabb) Who is responsible for providing nourishment to mankind, is far above this. (His bounties and nourishment, whether pertaining to physical needs or the Divine Guidance, embrace the entire universe. Nourishment and Divine Guidance have been provided to every nation.)
8. (Moses was taken aback and started looking around, wondering who had called and from where this voice had come. Thereupon) The heavenly voice said, “O Moses! The voice is from your God, Who is extremely powerful and rational. (His strength and wisdom will become obvious during the struggle that will confront you shortly.)
9. (Thereafter various directives about the mission were issued to Moses.) “Present (before the Pharaoh) these directives which are conclusive and a great source of strength for you.” When Moses realized both the importance and the difficulties of this uphill task, he felt as if he was being asked to deal with a live python. Moses thought of turning back; and he was also scared of going to Pharaoh (7:108; 20:17-22; 26:32-33). Thereupon the voice called out, “O Moses, fear not! When We are with Our Messengers there is no reason for them to be afraid of anything.” (20:15)
10. Nor should that person be afraid of a mistake he has made unintentionally, particularly after undoing the same and thereafter taking the rightful balanced path. This is because in Our Law of Mukafat there is a provision to keep a person safe from the ill effects of his previous slips; and to keep on developing him. (If you are afraid that the completion of the mission will be difficult because of that incident in which you killed a man by mistake and thereby have committed a crime, you should forget even the thought of it.)
11. In support of Our directives We then gave him clear and convincing signs which could enlighten those who utilize their intellect and wisdom. If such people were to reflect on it, they would realize that there is no possibility of any harm in following the Divine Laws. In fact the Divine Laws are full of good. (28:32)
These arguments were with regard to the nine directives which Moses had to take to Pharaoh and his nation which had gone astray from the right path.
12. But when our clear directives were conveyed to the people, instead of believing them they turned around and said, “This is an open deception and a lie (that Moses has been sent to us with these directives by God; and that if we do not accept them we would be destroyed).”
13. Although deep in their hearts they were convinced that the directives were not false, they rejected them out of spite and arrogance. You can thus see the end of the people who created chaos in society. (To create disorder and upheavals in society is a great crime in Allah’s court of justice.)
14. And We sent messengers such as David and Solomon (who were resolute and of very high stature) to Bani-Israel and gave them the knowledge of Wahi. They were highly appreciated and grateful to Allah Who had preferred them over many of His other believers Momins).
15. And after David, Solomon became his successor. (This was not because he was David’s son but because he was competent for this exalted position. It was just coincidence that he was the son of a Nabi and a king.) He said to the people, “Just look at the strength and the might of this kingdom and the abundance of everything that is available here. We possess a very strong cavalry and we are fully aware of its capability and discipline. (In those days the cavalry was considered the backbone of the army ~ 21:79; 34:10.)
All these bounties, power and ability to defend are indeed evident; and these are sure signs of God’s favour.
16. Soloman’s army consisted of civilised people from the cities; savage and mighty brutes from the mountainous jungles; and swift horse riders from the tribe of Tair. All of them were kept in the camps so that after proper training, their capabilities could be gainfully utilized.
17-18. (At one time Soloman learnt that the State of Sheba was planning to attack. So as a precaution he took his army towards them. The valley of Namal was on the way and like that of the State of Sheba, its head of state was a woman. When she received the news of this army, she ordered her subjects to remain in their dwellings to save themselves. Without ascertaining whether they had any connection or alliance with their enemy the State of Sheba, she was afraid that the troops might crush them. (This is normal action when armies invade. It is better to move out of their way.)
19. Solomon smiled when he heard this. (These poor souls were right. They had heard and seen that whenever the royal army passes an area, it brings nothing but haphazard destruction. However, did they understand that this is the army of Allah’s Rasool, whose purpose is not to disturb the innocent but to give them protection?) Then he prayed to his God, “O my Rabb, you have granted me a great empire. Therefore also grant me adequate restraint and self-control so that instead of causing destruction to mankind, the strength and stately splendour you have bestowed on me and my parents can be utilized for peoples’ benefit and for reforming their affairs. Every step of mine should be in conformity with Your Laws; so that I can be included amongst the subjects whose abilities develop through your Rabubiyat and Rehmat; and those who are responsible for reforming the affairs of mankind.
20. (One day, while on the march, Solomon asked for a section of cavalry who at that time were not present there.) When they arrived he asked them, “Where is your chief Hud-Hud? Has he gone somewhere for a while or is he absent from his duty?”
21. If he is absent (then according to the rules of the army) I will severely punish him. And if he does not produce any explicit authority (permission slip), he may even be sentenced to death.
22. Hud-Hud returned after a short while and said, “I had gone deep inside the territory of Sheba for investigation. I have gathered information which previously was not available to you; and since it has been collected by me (personally), it is absolutely reliable.
23. I have found that a woman rules over that country. She has everything, (in that she is self-sufficient in her state and does not depend on help from other nations). Even her internal discipline, order and control are simply magnificent.
24. However, the queen and her subjects worship the sun and not Allah. Shaitan has made their deeds look so attractive to them that they think of their creed as being correct and proper. He has kept them away from the right path in a way that they are unable to obtain guidance towards it.
25. (It is surprising that) They do not worship (obey) Allah; the Allah Who as and when needed brings forth everything from the hidden treasures of the universe. His knowledge is not limited to the physical universe, He also knows what you disclose and what you conceal in your heart.
26. He is that God, other than Whom no one else wields complete authority in the universe; and He who holds the central control in His own hands.
(It is surprising that inspite of living in such a large kingdom they cannot understand this. Instead of such an authoritative entity, they consider the sun which does even not have control over its own rise and setting, to be their god.)
27. Solomon said, “We shall soon see how much truth there is in your statement.” (It is necessary to verify statements issued by news agencies.)
28. “Take my letter and deliver it to the authorized persons of Sheba. Then get away from them, but wait there to see their reaction.
29. After reading the letter the Queen of Sheba called a meeting of her advisors and told them, “I have received a letter which has been written in a very noble and dignified manner.”
30. “This letter is from King Solomon; and its message is that Allah’s attributes of Rahman and Raheem (of providing means of development to all) should be made available to all mankind.” (1:2)
31. The gist of this letter is, “Do not rebel against me. Rather, surrender to the Divine Laws; follow them and come here.”
32. After reading out the contents of the letter she addressed her courtiers and asked them to, “Think about the problem and advise me on what we should do. You know that I do not take a final decision on any matter until I consult you.”
33. They said, “If Solomon has a mighty and powerful army, we too are not timid or weak. We are a strong nation of warriors and we too are endowed with power. Therefore there is no need to worry about this. However, this is the only issue on which we can give you full assurance. Because on such issues the final decision has to be yours, before deciding you should also think about the other aspects. We will act according to whatever decision you take; and we are waiting for your orders.”
34. She said, “I am confident that you will not hesitate to go to war; but the fact cannot be denied that whenever the kings invade a country, they destroy and ruin it. They even change the social life of that community, whereby the nobility and leadership are humiliated. This phenomena is not particular to all kings, but this usually happens in such circumstances and will also happen in the future. (As such there is no reason to believe that this king will not do the same. Accordingly my idea is to avoid war as far as possible.)
35. Therefore (for the time being) I am sending some gifts and will wait for their reaction. (Perhaps they will give up the idea of waging war against us.)
36. When the Queen’s envoy came to Solomon with the presents, he said, “(After seeing the gifts) Do you want to entice me with wealth? You should know that the wealth and treasures which Allah has granted me are better and much more abudant than what you have. Therefore your wealth cannot tempt me. The gifts which you have brought may be a source of pride for you (but not to me). The thing which is of value to me is that you submit to the Divine Laws.”
37. Now return to your people and tell them that “Since you have not accepted our terms, there is no alternative for us but to invade you with forces which you will never be able to defeat. We shall drive you out of your country with humiliation and consequently you will spend the rest of your lives in subjugation.”
38. (So the envoy returned and Solomon decided to attack.) He addressed his courtiers and said, “I prefer that before the people of Sheba come out of their abodes to fight and surrender after defeat, it would be better to capture their control centre. (Perhaps in this way they will come to terms without the need to wage war.) Then he asked them, “Who amongst you can fulfill this task?”
39. A stalwart who was a courageous, bold and skillful leader of the savage tribe said, “I will accomplish it in no time; so quickly that the queen and her government’s control center will be at your feet before you leave this place. (Entrust this mission to me.) I am capable of doing the task and I am trustworthy.”
40. Another chief who was aware of the correspondence mentioned afore said, “I can accomplish this mission even quicker; so soon that the Queen of Sheba will be facing you in complete submission within no time.”
The mission was entrusted to him and he accomplished it almost to perfection. When Solomon saw the loot of the war he bowed before his Rabb in humility and said, “Victory like this against another powerful nation was only possible with the means and the equipment which He has provided us. He provides such opportunities to see whether I utilize correctly the might, power, wealth and dignity that He has provided me; or whether I waste them erroneously. It is obvious that any nation that utilizes them correctly and positively will benefit; while that which wastes them will suffer. It brings neither any benefit nor loss to my Rabb. All this is for human beings only. God is absolutely free of needs and does not require anything at all from the produce of human labour. He possesses everything in great abundance.”
41. But this victory was achieved in the battlefield and they had not captured the whole capital city. Solomon thus directed that his troops (without causing too much damage to other places) should attack the capital with such force that it would be disfigured. With this plan it was possible that the governing leadership might surrender (but if they did not then they would plan alternate schemes).
42. (The strategy worked and the Queen of Sheba surrendered.) When she came before Solomon, he asked her, “Was it because of your wealth and power that your nation became so rebellious?” She replied, “Yes, such was the nature of our wealth and power; and we had in fact realized this earlier. We are now your humble subjects.”
43. In fact, she could have accepted Solomon’s superiority much earlier, but she was hindered by the religion of her people; namely the gods which they worshipped instead of Allah. (They were under the impression that these gods would come to their rescue and make them victorious. However that turned out to be false.)
44. Their relationship then became cordial and Solomon invited her as a state guest and made arrangements for her to stay in a grand palace with glass flooring. She had never seen such a palace before and when she saw the reflections of the walls in the floor, she was puzzled and deemed it to be an expanse of water. (Solomon sensed her embarrassment and told her that there was nothing to worry about. This was not water, but a glass floor on which reflections can be seen.)
(Seeing all this pomp and show, Queen Sheba inquired from Solomon how he had obtained such abundant goods, luxury and comfort. Solomon replied, “In a land where the Divine System of Rabubiyat is enforced all these things do become available.”) Upon this Queen Sheba said, “O my Sustainer! I had erred by leaving you aside and adopting to obey other false deities. I was in fact in darkness. Now the reality has dawned before me and therefore I will obey the God who guarantees the development of mankind. I will follow and obey Solomon. We are both His subjects.”
45. (That was the story of Solomon and Queen Sheba, who by surrendering to and obeying the Divine Laws saved herself from destruction and decimation. However there were other nations which, in spite of these warnings by their Rusul, did not leave their erroneous path and were subsequently destroyed.) One such nation was the tribe of Thamud to whom We had sent Saleh. He was one of their brethren. He advised them to follow the Divine Laws, whereupon they split into two parties. One believed in the Divine Laws and sided with Saleh and the other rebelled. The two factions were opposed to each other.
46. (Saleh did his best to convince them, but they retorted, “Why don’t you hasten the doom with which you have been threatening us?”) Thereupon Saleh would say, “Why are you becoming your own enemy and asking for the doom and destruction to be hastened before the pleasures of life have been bestowed on you? Why don’t you seek protection from Allah, rather than calling for destruction? In this way not only will you be safe from destruction, but you will also receive abundant means for development.”
47. In reply they would say, “Right from the very day you and your followers have shown up, we have been hearing the unpleasant news of destruction and doom. (We had never even heard of these words before.) The fact is you all are a bad omen.”
Thereupon Saleh would say, “The evil or destruction which I presage will be in accordance with the Divine Law of Mukafat. It will be the result of your own misdeeds and not because of us. But apparently you will not understand this until you are put through a painful, burning crucible.”
48. In the capital city there were nine chieftains who were responsible for maintaining law and order. They however were the root cause of evil and disorder in the land. They would never allow the people to reform. (Nations depend on those who administer the government and have the control and authority. They are the ones who can misguide and spoil the common people. But if they are reformed, then society too can be reformed.)
49. (The just system Saleh was inviting them to was in conflict with the policies and interests of these elders. They were thus his main opponents. They (called for a meeting and) said to each other, “Let us swear to one another that we will verily attack at night. We will then deny this attack in front of the next of kin of the murdered. We will boldly say that we did not see them being killed and that we were certainly telling the truth!”
50. While they were plotting this evil act, We also planned for something different which (according to Our Law of Mukafat) was beyond their perception.
51. Behold then the outcome of their plotting and the consequence of Allah’s plan! Saleh and his party remained safe while the mischiefmongers and their followers were disseminated.
52. These are their dwellings which till today lie in ruins. And all this happened because they perpetuated zulm on the people.
In this episode there is a lesson for those who utilize their intellect, wisdom and reasoning.
53. (They were destroyed while) The people who believed in the truthfulness of Divine Laws and led their lives accordingly remained safe.
54. Likewise is the story of Lot who told his people, “What a shame it is that while knowing that it is foul and against nature, you are committing such abominations!”
* and Lut, when he said to his qowm (men and women) “surely you all approach the fahisha – excessiveness in being wrong, and you realize that “
55. “Your situation is such that instead of women you lust after men. This surely shows your ignorance.”
* Do you all (men and women) approach to the powerful/authoritative ones =Rijal, in a state of always seeking / wanting desiring more, without taking the Nisa

56. The people did not have any answer but after consultations with each other, they decided to expel the members of Lot’s party from their township, saying that people who posed to be so pious cannot live with them.
57. But We saved Lot and his companions from their aggression; except for his wife who owing to her own mentality, was destined to stay with those who remained behind.
58. Hence We rained volcanic stones upon them. How dreadful this storm about which they were in fact forewarned, was! (But they had made up their minds to oppose whatever Lot told them to do.)
In the light of this historical evidence, the praiseworthiness of Allah’s Law of Mukafat which destroys those who do zulm, should be clear to you. He protects those who obey these laws by separating them from the zalimeen. If there was no Law of Mukafat, then if one group somehow came to power it would continue to suppress others and there would be no one to stop them.
Now think whether the supremacy of Allah and his Law of Mukafat is the best; or whether it is that of those you ascribe as partners to Him?
59. In the light of all these historical events one thing must have become quite clear to you that it is Allah’s Law of Mukafat that is worthy of all praise and which ultimately destroys all those who commit aggression and He protects those who obey His Laws by keeping them away from the zalimeen.
(If Allah’s Law of Mukafat was not in force, then such a group after coming into power once, could have continued committing aggression upon others and there was no one who could have stopped them).
Now it is up to you to think, whether the Supremacy of Allah(‘s Law of Mukafat) is better, or of other forces whom they ascribe a share besides Him.
60. In order to establish the fact that only Allah’s Law is in force in the universe and that no one else shares this domain, just ask them, “Who is the One Who has created this universe? And Who sends down rain from the clouds for your benefit; and from the water of which grow delightful gardens. It is not possible for you to germinate even one single tree without these gifts (the essential ingredients of land, water, air, sunshine and heat) of Allah.
Now tell us, “Is the law and authority of anyone else in force besides the supremacy and authority of Allah’s Law? Is there any other ‘ILAHA‘ besides Him? (If they think about it dispassionately, there would be no difficulty in concluding that all this happens in accordance with Allah and only Allah’s Law; and that therefore there is no other being in the universe that can be called Ilaha). However, the difficulty is that instead of going straight, these people swerve from the path of reason and deviate under the influence of their desires.
61. Ask them again, “Who is the one that has made the earth a fitting abode where everything can stay firmly (in spite of its fast rotation); and Who caused the rivers to flow on it and set upon it firm mountains; and placed a barrier between the two great bodies of flowing water?” (25:53)
Now say, “Is there any other being who can be a partner with him in authority, discipline and order? If none, then how can anyone else be Ilaha besides Him? However, these people do not use their knowledge and wisdom (but take erroneous paths due to ignorance and superstitions).”
62. Then ask them, “Who is it that responds to the cries of anguish and distress of the oppressed and helpless people when they ask for assistance from His Law. He replies to their call (and tells them that the solution to their problems lies with Him). And when they work according to it, He removes their difficulties and (thus) awards them the state and the authority in the land.” (24:54-55).
Could there be any law other than the Divine Law that can do all this? However, there are very few indeed who keep this in sight.
63. Then ask them, “Who is it that guides you (with the help of the shining stars) when you travel in the darkness of night, on land and the sea? (And there is never any mistake in it).
“And who sends forth the winds as glad tidings before the rain comes down, which brings with it the means of nourishment? Could there be any power other than God, whose Law is doing all this? Does this not make it clear that He is beyond any other power ascribing a share in His authority.
64. Ask them, “Who is it that initiates the creation of everything, and then by passing it through various stages of evolution, takes it to its destined end? And Whose Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat it is that provides means of nourishment from the mutual coordination between heavens and the earth?
Can any authority or system other than that of Allah do this? If you think that it is possible, then bring forth proof and evidence in support of your claim; (because all our claims are based on reason and rationale; which can only be rebutted rationally and with reasons – which you cannot produce). (23:117)
65. (Such is the state of their ignorance that, let alone the living, they even consider the dead to be partners in the Divine functions.) Tell them that no one knows the hidden realities in the heavens and earth (as these are metaphysical in nature) other than Allah. The dead do not even know when they themselves will be raised (so how can they share the Divine knowledge ~ 16:22).
66. As far as life in hereafter is concerned, its knowledge has continuously been conveyed to mankind (through the Wahi). But inspite of this they are in doubt; and they have kept their eyes totally closed on this.
67. And they ask, “When, after death, we and our ancestors have become complete dust, would we be raised and be brought to life again?”
68. (After this, they say tauntingly) “This is what we are being told; and it is the same that our forefathers were told. (None of them became alive and none amongst us who died has come to life again.) Therefore, these are nothing but ancient fables which are being repeated. There is no reality in them.”
69. (On the basis of this, they deny the Divine Law of Mukafat, and consider the statement that the end result of our erroneous way of life would be nothing else but destruction, to be a false threat.) Tell them to go all over the earth (behold the ruins of the ancient civilizations with their own eyes) and see what happened to the nations who perpetuated crimes against mankind? What was their end result? (Were they destroyed or did they remain safe and prosperous?)
70. (O Rasool! You should continue conveying the truth to them and) Do not grieve over them (as to why they do not accept the truth) and do not get distressed by what they conspire and contrive about you and your mission. (They can not do you any harm and the ultimate success will be yours.)
71. They ask you time and again, “When will the destruction about which you threaten us come, if you speak the truth?”
72. Tell them, “The destruction about which you clamour and demand so hastily, some of it is possibly following you from behind.”
73. The reason for the time gap between the deeds and their retribution is that the Law of your Rabb wants to be kind and tender to mankind. It desires that during the given time they abandon the erroneous path and come to the straight course; and thus remain safe from its ill effects. However most of the people take undue advantage of this respite. (Instead of leaving the wrong path, they start criticizing the very Divine Law of Mukafat.)
74. (Even this they say just for the sake of it. Indeed, hidden in their hearts are their self interests which they do not want to give up.) Your Rabb knows fully well what they conceal in their hearts, and what they present.
75. (Let alone what is hidden in their hearts;) There is no secret in the heavens and on earth, which is hidden from His knowledge. Everything is recorded in the Book of His Laws; and that recording is very clear.
76. (A part of that Divine recording is revealed in this Quran and) This is the reason that the Quran even makes those things clear which the Bani-Israil (Jews) disputed amongst each other.
77. This is exactly the position of the Quran, in that it provides guidance to all those nations who have conviction in its truthfulness; and is a means of development for them, both to their physical life and human abilities.
78. (However, if these people will not believe in its truthfulness and stubbornly insist on treading their erroneous path, then) He will decide their affairs according to His Law of Mukafat. He enjoys absolute power to implement His laws. His decisions are based on knowledge and wisdom and are not taken randomly.
79. (So, O Rasool!) Keeping complete trust in the firm and unchangeable Divine Laws, continue proceeding ahead in the trust that your course is absolutely correct and truthful.
80. (And do not get disheartened because they do not listen to you, although what you say is based on truth, knowledge and wisdom. Only those who use their minds and rationale can ponder on this. How can anyone who is drenched in his emotions and devoid of his faculty of thinking, do so? Therefore do not be disheartened that they do not listen to you. You can only talk to those who are living.) You can neither make the dead listen to you, nor can you make the deaf hear your call; particularly if their attitude is such that they turn their faces away when you call them. (36:70)
81. Neither can you show the straight path to the blind (those who do not even want to open their eyes!).
The only people who will listen to you are those who (are willing to do so and are prepared to ponder over what is being said to them; and thus) believe in the truthfulness of Our Laws and thereafter submit before them wholeheartedly.
82. (Our method is that for the nation which does not believe in the truthfulness of Our Laws and lives an erroneous way of life) When the time is ripe to culminate the end result of their deeds, someone or some other party from that country, or another nation, stands up and tears them apart surgically, and gets rid of the rotten elements. In this way they cure their delirium of power and bring it under control. (It is possible that the Jamaat which performs this surgical operation is the harbinger of Divine Order; and it may also happen due to the clash between the rebellious forces ~ 6:65.)
83. According to the same principle, there would be circumstances or eras in history when instead of one person or a party, numerous parties or nations would rise up causing an international war. Where upon all the forces and nations which oppose Our Laws take part, become weakened as a result of this clash and thus stop spreading the disorder further.
84. Thus when they are weakened due to these clashes and are brought before Us in this condition, they would be told, “You have been blindly opposing the Divine Laws and have never once tried to understand them rationally or with wisdom (10:39). And now (when you have seen with your own eyes the result of flouting Our Laws) just think about all what you had been doing?”
85. Finally, because of all the oppression and rebellious attitude as well as the misdeeds which they had committed, the decree of God’s Law of Mukafat will be issued against them. Then they will not be able to utter a single word.
86. (It is a matter of great surprise that they do not ponder over the universal physical Laws of God which are in operation before their eyes. Let alone the mighty forces of nature, they do not even see the rotation of day and night which takes place every day.) The day is bright and is followed by night, which quietens every activity. (All this happens according to a set of laws and discipline, wherein there is no change or discrepancy.) For those who believe in the truthfulness of Divine Laws, there are signs (even in such an ordinary thing) to reach the ultimate truth. (The truth, that just like the Law which regulates the movement of the day and night, there are similar unchangeable Laws governing the rise and fall of nations; as well as for life and death.)
87. (According to these laws there will be a universal clash, as has been mentioned afore. At that time) The trumpet of war will blow and the terror shall be so immense that all creatures will be in shock, except those which have led their lives according to the Divine Laws of Mashiat (27:89). Also, at that time, all the rebellious nations will bow before the Divine Law in utter lowliness. (6:76; 18:99; 20:102; 39:68)*
*Verses 87-91 could be for the life hereafter. In that case their interpretation and exposition would be regarding the revolution of that life. (See 23:101).
88. Then you will see the big mighty lords, whose might you thought was so immensely strong, that there was no one who could move them away from their base. These lords will become so weak and light, that they will float like clouds which are being carried away by gusts of wind. All this will happen as per the Divine Law of Mukafat the Law of Allah who has created everything in a stable and appropriate way. (As such, man-made laws and ways of living will not be able to face the Divine Laws.) And He knows fully well what you do and what the result of these deeds shall be.
89. In that era the nation that lives constructively and according to the well-balanced Divine System, will receive better rewards than what they had strived for. They will also remain safe and secure from the horrors of that revolution. (21:103; 27:87)
90. And those who will insist on living a life of an unjust and unfair system, will be thrown headlong into the destruction, which will burn away their total assets. (And they will be told) This is but a just requital for what you were doing. Your own deeds are confronting you in the shape of destruction.
91. (After explaining these facts tell them, O Rasool!), “I have been commanded to obey with complete compliance the Laws of the Rabb of this city (of Makkah), which He has made worthy of reverence and respect by all human beings.” (As one day it has to become the reason for the establishment of humanity ~ 5:96).
“The fact is that everything is contributing towards the fulfillment of the programme ordained by Allah. This is why I also have been commanded to strive for the fulfillment of this programme, by submitting to His Laws.”
92. “That is, I continue following the Quran.” (O Rasool! You should do this yourself and then tell people to remember) “Whoever amongst you follows me on the straight path, will derive the benefit (and the one who treads the wrong path will bear its consequences himself). My only duty is to convey to you in absolutely clear terms, how destructive the consequences of your erroneous way of life will be!”
93. And tell them, “(You can go on opposing it to any extent, but the Divine System will be established.) This will be a living example for praise and appreciation of God. It will bring its clear signs before you in such a way that you will yourself recognize (that this is the same society, about which you were being told). (On the other hand the destruction that will befall you will be the result of your own doing, because) The Divine Law of Mukafat, knows very well all your deeds.”