(1) (The atmosphere in Makkah had become unbearable for the Jama’at-ul-Momineen and there was a little hope that the message of Islam would be accepted by those who had not only rejected it but planned to kill the Rasool.) Limitless glory to Allah who moved his devotee one night from the sacred mosque (of Makkah) to the farthest mosque (in Madina – where atmosphere was much more conducive) and its environs We had blessed. The purpose of the migration was that the promises made by Allah with him in Makkah should be fulfilled. Most certainly Allah is all Hearing and All-Seeing (20/23). (Therefore every decision of His is based on Knowledge and Wisdom.) (2) (Hijra is not a new phenomenon. It was part of the programme of almost all the Rusul. It played an especially prominent part in the case of Moses.) Moses was given the book for the guidance of the Bani-Isr’ael enjoining them not to take for guidance, any one but Allah. (3) They were the posterity of those whom were rescued along with Noah, who was a grateful servant (Rasool) of Allah. (4) We had told Bani-Isr’ael in that Book that they would cause Fas’ad in the land twice and will indulge in arrogance and highhandedness. (5) The first of these occasions was the invasion of (Nebuchadnezzar, whose army was) mighty. They entered the inmost part of your cities and the inevitable happened. (6) Thereafter you made amends and We granted you a further chance of gaining control over the land. We helped you with wealth and children and greatly increased your numbers. (7) You have seen for yourselves that when you did the right thing it was to your own advantage and when you went astray you had to suffer the consequences of your wrong actions. When the time of reaction to your second lapse (invasion of Titus) arrived, people were raised up to humiliate you. They entered the Temple as on the previous occasion and destroyed everything which came in their way (17/104). (8) Your life of ignominy still continues but there is another chance for your renaissance. If following this Rasool who has come to your own habitat (Madina), you adopt the right way, you will receive Allah’s bounty (7/156-57). If you treat him in the same way as you treated your previous Anbia, you will inevitably be recompensed for it by Allah and your abode will be Jahannam which serves as a prison-home for those who discard the right way.(9-10) The Quran which We have revealed to this Rasool guides towards the path which is most upright (and balanced) and announces to those who believe and do good actions that they shall have great recompense, and to those who do not believe in the life hereafter that they shall have severe chastisement. (11) (It is not possible for a man to determine what is absolutely good or evil for him.) This is why he sometimes covets what may in reality be harmful for him as he covets what may be good for him, for man is prone to be impetuous. (Therefore, he is in need of revelation which distinguishes between right and wrong.) (12) Allah has made the night and the day as two signs – the sign of night is that it is devoid of light and the sign of day is that it is full of light – so that you may secure Allah’s bounties. The alternation of night and day is necessary so that you may reckon the years and keep account – Allah has made everything distinctly clear (6/97, 10/5). (13) The struggle between good and evil continues within man himself and the record of this is fastened around his neck i.e. it is not anywhere outside but is within himself. During this life, there are many thoughts, feelings and desires which remain hidden in the unconscious mind. On the Day of Judgement all these will be brought about, in other words, the record which had remained folded hitherto will be spread out. (14) Allah will say to him: “Read your own account. Today your own self should suffice to make out an account against yourself.” (15) This record is an evidence to show that whosoever follows the right path will do so to his own benefit, and whosoever goes astray will reap the consequences thereof himself, no bearer shall bear the burden of another, Allah does not chastise any people until He sends a Rasool to warn them of the consequences of following the wrong path. (16) What generally happens is that instead of paying heed to the warning, those who exploit the labours of others become more intent in their misdoing. Our law of Mukaf’at takes its course and the doom they deserve overtakes them and they are absolutely ruined. (17) (Look at the history and see) how many generations since Noah We had destroyed (which shows that your Rabb has enough awareness and insight about the misdeeds of his creatures). (18-20) There are two categories of people – those who believe only in this world and those who believe in this world as well as in the next. Both make efforts to secure the bounties of this world which they will have in proportion to their efforts. Allah helps both of them and does not stand in the way of either of them. The fruits of the labour of those who believe only in this world will be confined to this world and in the hereafter they will be doomed to Jahannam where they will be condemned and forsaken. But those who believe in the hereafter also, will be recompensed for their efforts both in this world and the next (2/200-201, 11/15-16, 42/20, 96/20). (21-22) Just reflect on how some people exceed others as regards the bounties of this world but in the hereafter there are higher degrees and far greater bounties. (And in order to achieve this) you obey only Allah’s laws and associate no one else with Him. Otherwise you will stand condemned and forsaken (43/84).(23-24) For the betterment of the life hereafter, Allah has prescribed some permanent values including: 1. You should obey only Allah’s Laws;2. You should make good the deficiencies of your old parents;3. If one or both of them grow old, you should not prod or reproach them but speak to them respectfully (36/68);4. You should give them protection with all the affection and say, “O my Rabb! (enable me) to provide them means of nourishment as they had raised me from childhood.” (25) You should do all this, not in a mechanical manner but from the core of your heart keeping always in mind that what you do for your parents helps in the development of your own self. Allah is the Protector of those who revert to Him for His protection. (26-37) Returning to the permanent values: 5. (26) You should give their right to the near of kin as well as others who need your help and stranded wayfarers. (This should be given to them as their right and not as a matter of charity (70/24).)6. (27) You should not squander your wealth, for those who do so, belong to the fraternity of Shait’an who is a symbol of those who defy Allah’s Laws;7. (28) If it so happens that a needy person come to you and you yourself are seeking help from Allah and cannot help them, you should at least offer to him a word of sympathy;8. (29) As regards your personal expenses, the basic rule is: your hands should neither be tied to your neck nor so wide open that nothing is left for you and you are reduced to destitution;9. (30) Keep in mind that sustenance is given in proportion to efforts, so you should make your maximum efforts to secure it (53/39); and most certainly He has full awareness and insight about His people.10. (31) You should not kill your children or deprive them of means of development for fear of being reduced to poverty. It would be a grievous crime to do so. It is the responsibility of the Niz’am-e-Rabubiyyat to provide both for you and for them;11. (32) You should not let even the thought of fornication come near you for it is an indecent act and opens a way for other evils;12. (33) You should not take away anyone’s life, which Allah has made sacred – unjustly. If anyone is killed unjustly, the Divine Order itself becomes responsible for securing justice for him. The authority deciding the case should also see that the punishment does not out-step the bounds of justice. Justice should be done to both parties, (5/32, 2/178, 6/152, 42/40);13. (34) You should not touch the property of the orphan who is under your guardianship unless it is to his benefit, till he reaches the age of maturity (6/153);14. You should always fulfil your commitments, for every commitment shall have to be accounted for.15. (35) Whenever you measure out anything, you should measure it in full; whenever you weigh anything, you should hold the scale evenly. (This is how society will be able to maintain its economic balance (83/1-3).) This is fair (for everyone) and much better in the final analysis.16. (36) You should not take a stand (regarding anything) where you have no personal knowledge (Use all means of inquiry and then come to a conclusion – Allah has given you all the faculties for this purpose.) Mind it, the ear and the eye and the heart – all of them shall have to answer in regard to the question whether personal inquiry was made about the concerned matter;17. (37) You should not walk proudly for you cannot cleave the earth nor can you attain the stature of mountains (31/19, 40/75, 3/187).(38) Going against any of these directives will be odious to your Rabb. (39) All these values which are full of wisdom have been revealed to you by your Rabb. None should therefore, set up peers to Allah. If anyone does so, he will be cast into Jahannam condemned and forsaken (2/269). (40) Referring to the superstitious belief of these people namely, that Allah has taken Malaika for daughters, ask them: is it conceivable that Allah should exalt you by assigning sons to you and take of Malaika as daughters for Himself? How awful it is for you to say such things! (16/57). (41) Just reflect in how many different ways We have explained in this Quran what is good for them. Yet their aversion to it is ever-increasing (17/89). (42) These people say that Allah has associates whom they have set up as peers to Him. O Rasool! tell them that had this been the case, these so-called associates would have devised means to share with Allah the control of the universe. In that event there would have been utter chaos (21/22). (43) It is clear, therefore, that Allah is much above what they ascribe to Him. (44) Whatever there is in all the heavens and the earth and all that is therein, is busy in the accomplishment of Allah’s plan to make it worthy of all Hamd. But (with your scanty knowledge) you cannot (for the time being) appreciate the functioning of this phenomenon. Allah provides protection for everything in a most subtle way (so that they continue functioning without interruption). (45-46) There are those who are pre-determined not to accept the message of the Rasool and do not believe in the life hereafter. When you present the Quran to them O Rasool, an imperceptible curtain falls between them and you. This results in their hearts becoming covered and their ears becoming deaf so that they do not understand what you say and especially when you say that there is only one Allah they quickly turn their backs in aversion (39/45). (47) We know what it is that they wish to hear when they give ear to you and what they whisper to each other when they are by themselves. We also know when they say to the believers: “You are only following a man who is bewildered.” (48) Just see the similes they find for you, because they have gone astray (7/198, 10/42, 47/16), and now cannot find the way (to the truth). (49) Amongst the things which they cite against you is that, you say that, after they are reduced to bones and dust, they shall be raised up again as a new creation (17/98). (50-52) Say to them: This will be done even if you were turned to stones and iron or some other substance which you consider to be the hardest. They will retort: “Who will bring us back to life”? Say O Rasool: “The one who created you the first time” (when there was not even a speck of you); (so if dead can come to life again, nations can also regain strength – by following His laws). Then they will shake their heads derisively and say: “when shall this be”? Say: “It may be near at hand. It will happen also in this world when you submit to Allah’s laws and participate in the Divine programme to make it worthy of Hamd. You will regain new life and forget all about what happened in the past and think that you had tarried but a little while.” (53) O Rasool you should ask those who have submitted to Allah’s Laws, to speak gently to the unbelievers and to each other for Shait’an is always on the look-out as to how he may create dissension amongst you. Shait’an is man’s avowed enemy. (54) Allah knows all about you. If you follow His Laws He will bestow Rahmat on you, if you go against them you will be chastised. You are responsible for your actions and the Rasool has not been sent as a warden over you. (55) Allah is well-aware of everything in the universe. He had sent Anbia to every nation. Amongst them was David to whom was given the Zaboor (Psalms) as was also given to the others. There was no distinction amongst the Anbia so far as Nubuwwat was concerned. They were, however, differentiated from each other by virtue of their sphere of activity (2/253). (56) Say to the Mushrikeen that they should call upon those whom they set up as peers to Allah for help. You will find that they have no power to relieve them from distress or to bring about a change in their condition. (57) Amongst those whom they set up as peers to Allah the ones whom they consider to be nearest to Allah are those who themselves strive to attain nearness to Allah and hope for His Rahmat and fear His chastisement which should be shunned (at all costs)! (58) These people think that the system they have devised is so strong that none can touch them. Tell them that no system built on wrong foundations will last for ever. It will be destroyed here in this world or its upholders are subjected to grievous chastisement. This is all laid down in the Book containing the law of Mukaf’at. (59) They say, O Rasool, that if you are truthful in your claim you should show them some visible proof of it. Nothing can hinder Allah from bringing forth such proof but history has shown that human beings who do not apply their reason seldom learn from such proofs. For instance, the people of Thamud had made an agreement with their Rasool that they would allow all animals to drink water from the springs. To see whether they honoured the agreement, a she-camel was marked for the purpose. Not only did they disregard their agreement but they ham-strung her and We do not send these signs for any other purpose than to convey a warning (7/77, 11/65, 26/155-156, 54/28-29, 91/11-15). (60) Allah gives warning to the wrong-doers through the Rusul. If they apply their minds to the warning without prejudice, the circumstantial evidence would lead them to believe that the warning would come true. For instance, during the early stages of this movement these people were told that they would be brought around towards it gradually; but they simply mocked at it. You had narrated you vision to them saying that you would enter Makkah victoriously one day (48/27) but they never took it seriously. By the parable of the “cursed tree” mentioned in Quran (37/62, 44/43, 56/52) they were warned that if their ring-leaders did not desist opposing the movement, they would be disgraced and humiliated. But they simply mocked at it. These warnings were given in order to cure them but it only increased their rebelliousness as happened in the case of Iblees. (61-62) The story of Iblees and Adam has been narrated before. We said to the Malaika to bow before Adam and they did so. Iblees, however, refused to do so saying “Shall I bow before him whom You have created of mere clay and exalted above me? If You will only give me respite till man remains on the face of the earth, You will see how I will subdue and humiliate his progeny – all, but a few” (2/30-39, 7/11-14, 15/27-41). (63-65) Allah said: “Go ahead, whosoever from amongst them follows you, the recompense for him and you will be Jahannam – an ample recompense.” I know what schemes you will devise to lead them astray – some you will entice through your propaganda; some you will assault with all the forces at your command; others through polluting their economic order, some by ruining their children through wrong education and others by offering them various undertakings. In short, you will ruin them by holding out to them alluring promises. (You may do whatever you want but) you will not have any power over my devotees who will adhere to my laws [*1]. For none is worthy of trust as (the laws of Rabubiyyat given by) your Rabb. (66) How trustworthy Allah’s Laws are, you experience daily. For instance, He makes the ships sail smoothly through the sea so that you may seek His bounty. This is His Rahmat for you. (67) When any mishap befalls you on the sea those whom you call on besides Allah do not come to your rescue and you can overcome it only if you follow Allah’s Laws; but when the trouble is over and you reach the land safely, you turn away from Him. How very ungrateful man is.(68) When you reach the land you think that you are perfectly safe. Is it not possible that a landslide may swallow you or a sand storm strike you? In that case you will not find anyone to protect you except Allah’s Laws. (69) Are you certain that if you go once more to the sea no storm blast will drown you? You will then find no helper against Us.(70) (Physical force working in the universe are mighty and powerful, but to mankind We have given superiority over all of them) and certainly We have honoured man (and given him the knowledge as a result of which) he can conquer the forces of nature on land and sea and thus earn pleasant sustenance for himself. – In fact We have given superiority to man over most of Our creations! (71) (But human life is not confined to physical life. There is another life constituted of his actions and beliefs which continues beyond this life (15/13).) And that Day all men will be called along with their records. Those who will be given their records in their right hands shall (be delighted to) read it and they will not be wronged in the slightest degree. (72) (But this does not mean that the consequences of human actions will manifest themselves only in the life hereafter; they affect his life in this world also.) So, one who is blind in this world, will be blind in the hereafter – even farther astray from the path (of truth). (73) Your opponents tried hard to lure you away from what We had revealed to you and cause you to substitute something else in Our name and thus take you as a friend. (74) Had you not adhered steadfastly to Our Laws, you might have leaned a little towards them (10/15, 11/113, 68/9). (75) In that case you would have tasted double chastisement in this world as well as in the next and you would not have found anyone as a helper against Allah. (76) The Jews in Madina had decided to make life so difficult for you in this city that you would be forced to leave it also. If that had happened, they would not have had any respite any more. (77) This was Our way for the Rusul whom We had sent before you and you will not find any change therein, so far as you are concerned. (78-79) This will not, however happen automatically. You will have to strive hard for it. You will have to follow a definite programme. Before the day dawns, set out your schedule for the whole day in the light of the Quran, since that time is very congenial for such deliberation. Then from the dawning of the day to the evening follow it practically. In the early hours of the night consult with your companions (73/20). In the late hours of the night you may rise if necessary – this is, however, voluntary devotion for you. If you and your companions follow this programme assiduously you will soon attain an exalted position of praise and glory in the eyes of the whole world. (80) Say: “O My Rabb, whatever be the situation in which I find myself or from which I have to come out, let it be in a perfectly right manner and grant me strength which in every situation shall bear me out.” (81-82) O Rasool: announce to the entire world that truth has manifested itself and falsehood has vanished; for falsehood has vanished; for falsehood by its very nature must perish eventually. This will also happen by following this Quran (step by step) which is a healing and Rahmat for those who believe but which increases the loss and distress of those who reject it. (83) The position of those who do not believe in Allah’s Laws is that when favours are bestowed on them, they grow indifferent and turn away but when distress over-powers them, they fall into despair. (84) We have bestowed upon man freedom of will and choice but he creates for himself fetters which limit his freedom. His actions are, thus, limited by his self-made laws and beliefs. He remains in the self-deception that he is following the right path. But the criterion to judge who is following the right path is Allah’s Laws and the limitations imposed by Him alone. (85) When you say, “It is Allah’s Wahi (Revelation) which I communicate to you,” they ask you as to what is the nature of Wahi. Tell them that it belongs to the realm of Allah’s Amr which it is not possible to grasp with the scanty knowledge that human beings have. (86-89) If We decide to take away what We have revealed to you, you cannot find anyone to plead your cause against Us. It is only Allah’s Rahmat that it is revealed to you and great indeed is His favour towards you (2/105, 6/125, 14/11). Should Jinn and Ins together attempt to produce the like of this Quran, it will not be possible for them to do so – however the one group may help the other (2/23, 10/38, 11/13). We have in this Quran explained the truth to man in diverse manners but the majority of men do nothing but deny it (17/41). (90-93) Instead of reflecting on the Quran, they go on demanding that you should show them miracles e.g. “cause of fountain to gush for us from the earth, or have an orchard of date-palms and grapevine and cause streams to flow profusely therein, or cause the sky to fall (upon us) in pieces as you have threatened or to bring Allah Himself or Malaika before us, or you have a palace of gold built for you or you ascend to the heavens. We will not believe even by your ascension to heaven until you cause a Book to descend on us which we can read” (26/187, 6/35). Tell them: “My Rabb is much exalted to compel you to believe through miracles and I am only a human being and His messenger.” (94-98) They do not believe in You because you are a human being. This is not a new phenomenon. Whenever We had sent a Rasool, they objected why a human being had been sent as a Rasool, and this (objection) stood in the way of accepting his teachings. Say to them O Rasool “Were there angels walking about on earth as their natural abode instead of human beings, Allah would have certainly sent down an angel as a Rasool (43/60). I can only say that Allah is a sufficient witness between you and me to decide this. He knows everything about human beings. I can only say this much that only those who follow His guidance will be on the right path and those who go astray will find none to help them. On the Day of Reckoning, We shall muster them on their faces blind, deaf and dumb and their abode shall be Jahannam. When its fire begins to abate We shall rekindle it – this is their recompense for having refused to believe in Our Laws and for having declared “When We are reduced to dust and bones shall we be raised once more as a new creation”? (99) Do they not reflect that Allah Who created the entire universe out of nothingness is able to create the like of them, and has appointed for everything (according to His laws) a time of life in this world about which no one should entertain any doubt. Yet they persist in denial. (100) The result of their belief that life is confined to this world is that they hold the wealth for themselves. If you ask them to keep it open to the use of those in need of it, they refuse to do so for fear of its diminution. Man left to himself, becomes covetous. (101) To make clear to them what the consequences of such an attitude are, narrate to them the story of Moses and the Pharaoh. Before the Pharaoh was ruined We had sent Moses to him with nine clear signs. If your opponents entertain any doubt about it ask them to ascertain it from the Bani-Isr’ael. When Moses came to the Pharaoh, he said that in his opinion he was a bewitched man (7/130-33, 27/12). (102) He further said to the Pharaoh, “I feel that you are convinced in your heart that what I say is from the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth but your ego does not permit you to confess this openly (27/14). You say that I am bewitched but I find you a person devoid of reason because destruction and downfall engulf you from all sides yet you do not see it.” (103) The Pharaoh tried every tactic to dislodge Bani-Isr’ael in the country but to no avail. On the other hand, he and his companions were all drowned. (104) Thereafter We said to the Bani-Isr’ael to settle down in the land and that when the second lapse came (17/4-7) they would be encircled and murdered. They were also told that they would be given another opportunity to revive when the last of the Rasool was raised. (105) And We have revealed this Quran with truth and it has come down to you with truth and We have sent you (O Rasool) to give glad tidings to the believers and warning to the wrong-doers (7/156). (106) Since the intention was that people should accept the Quran after being convinced of its truth, We descended it not in its entirety but piecemeal so that you may present it to them with slow deliberation. (107-109) O Rasool say to them “Whether you all believe in it or not (does not make much difference, but this Book can be understood by those who have insight, knowledge and wisdom and when it is presented to) those who are previously endowed with knowledge, will reflect on it and will submit to it and exclaim, “Exalted is Our Rabb. We are sure that all His promises will come true.” They exclaim it with complete humility and tears in their eyes. (110) O Rasool tell them: “Whether you call Him by the name of Allah or Rahman – it does not matter. All His names are excellent and facets of the same reality. In the Sal’at,do not be too loud in voice nor too low but seek a way in between.” (111) Tell them that the Allah we believe in: 1. is worthy of all Hamd,2. has not begotten a son,3. has no partner in His sovereignty,4. is not feeble and, therefore, does not5. need a protector. The purpose of our life is that His order may be established in the world (9/33, 79/7). *********************************************[*1] Man is not, by nature, evil and can overpower evil if he leads his life according to Allah’s directives. |
Surah 17. AL- ISRA –The journey from one way/system of life to another
Proclaim in the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
1] Sovereign is He alone in this universe Who took on a journey His
messenger during a period of darkness of ignorance in order to enlighten him
about the nature of the forbidden institution that is harmful and destructive for
mankind in order to bring about the institution that is sublime, in which We
have placed prosperity for mankind so that We show him some of Our
guidelines in action, surely His Lord is all hearing and all seeing. 2] For the same purpose We gave Moses the book and made it a guidance for
the children of Israel saying, never adopt any other way of life for your security
than the one recommended for you by Me. 3] You are descendants of those whom We brought onboard with Noah for
establishing Our rule and he indeed proved himself a man worth the name. 4] Besides this We forewarned the children of Israel in the book that you will
cause wars in the land twice by grossly rebelling against Our rule
transgressing against humanity and suffer the consequences in time for that. 5] When the event for the first of the two warnings became fulfilled We let rise
against you some of Our mighty warriors (The Assyrians) who rampaged
through your institutions turning them upside down about which you were
warned already. 6] Then after this We afforded you an opportunity to overcome their harm and
destruction by helping you through prosperity based upon Our provided
foundations and that is how We granted you more manpower. 7] So whatever you the people did as per Our program to benefit each other it
was for your own benefit as a community but if you did any harm to each
other, it only proved harmful and destructive for yourselves as a community. Likewise when you gave up abiding by Our rule the second time and Our
second warning became fulfilled, We let rise another fighting force (Romans)
to undermine your harmful and destructive ambitious goals and to penetrate
your institution as the former had entered it before, and they utterly destroyed
all that they laid their hands on. 8] Now your Lord can again grant you peace and prosperity through His
blissful program for you through this messenger but if you repeat the same
behaviour then We too will let the same consequences take place because
We have set up the system that painful suffering will engulf such as do not
abide by Our advice and become dignified people. 9] Surely this Quran guides mankind to the way of life which is firmly founded
because it is a manifesto of progress and prosperity for those who will commit
to working for peace according to it such as will act to remove rifts and
divisions from between mankind that is why there is this great reward for them
the life of peace and prosperity. 10] On the other hand it gives most severe warnings to those who do not
commit to working for peace for the better end goal that they will end up in a
terrible painful suffering the choice of which We have already allowed them to
create for themselves. 11] So mankind should rely upon way of life whereby they benefit each other
instead of relying upon a way of life whereby they end up inflicting harm and
destruction upon each other out of rivalries. However mankind go for harming
and destroying each other for quick personal gains at the expense of human
brotherhood. 12] Just as We allowed mankind choice between brotherhood and animosity
so We brought about the phenomena of the night (like darkness of ignorance
or dark days of poverty) and the day (like light of knowledge or bright days of
progress and prosperity) as two markers. By night We cover things under
darkness and by day we bring things under light to be visible, so that you
could seek your livelihood as provision by your Lord, and so that you could
compute the years and estimate times for your other activities. That is how
We explained all essential things in all necessary detail. 13] That is how We have linked the destiny of whole of mankind to its own
effort, so if mankind fail to abide by Our program then on the day of uprising
We bring out for it result of its actions open for all to see, 14] So take a good look at results your actions. Today you are sufficient to
take yourself to task for what you did given the freedom, guidance and the
provisions. 15] So only a nations that seeks guidance is guided for its own benefit but any
that ignores guidance therefore strays does so to its own loss. No
accountable nation is held liable for responsibility of another and We never let
any nation suffer pain till We have sent forth a messenger to them and they
ignore him that end up in painful suffering. 16] Whenever We intend to leave a township to destroy itself it is only
because We send Our guidance to its rulers and priests who are living easy
lives at the expense of their masses so they demonstrate their inconsistency
with Our guidance and as a result Our warning fulfils for them that is how We
let that township fall to the ground by way of revolts by its suffering masses. 17] Behold! How many generations have We let destroy themselves this way
since the time of Noah? Sufficiently efficient is universal law of your Lord in
showing results of actions of His subjects to them demonstrating His ability to
see and deal with all affairs. 18] He who works for quick personal gain at the expense of his human
community We readily grant him such things as We please to whoever works
for that and We leave him on the road to state of painful suffering wherein he
remains disgraced and rejected by rest of his community. 19] He who works for long term gain for better end of his community, the
endeavour of every such person leads to dignified community life because it is
such people who in actual fact work for peace among mankind. 20] Thus We bestow on all fruits of their actions – those who do not follow Our
program as well as those who do- out of the provision of your Lord as
bounties of your Lord are not confined to any person or nation but are there
for all to benefit from. 21] See how We let some communities rise above others in this life due to
what people themselves do, certainly the division to come are going to be yet
greater. 22] So take no other ruler than Allah lest you the mankind become isolated
from each other and stuck in poverty and trapped in this situation for good. 23] This is why your Lord has decreed that you should not live by rule of any
other than Allah and you should be so kind to your parents that if one or both
of them live to their old age in your lifetime then you should not say to them
any word of contempt nor rebuke them and you should address them
affectionately. 24] You should lower your wings to them out of compassion and thus express
through your actions the advice of your Lord for them as well as rely upon
laws reminding yourself that that is how they fulfilled their responsibilities to
me when I was a little child. 25] Your Lord makes known to others your motives in your minds through
your actions. So if you act to remove rifts between people for reconciliation
between them for fostering good relationship then surely He brings it about
again and again because He alone is protector of mankind through His
program. 26] Therefore carry out your responsibilities towards each other faithfully by
fulfilling the rights of each other as a settled community and as a people on a
journey towards settlement and do not take away rights of each other through
transgression as you will end up destroyed. 27] Surely those who transgress limits set by Allah they are supporters of the
leadership that is harmful and destructive for the community life and surely the
harmful and destructive leadership has always opposed the program of your
Lord. 28] But even if you the supporters of the program have to move away from
such people as are harmful and destructive for community life to establish the
program of your Lord as you are directed for it yet explain to them the
program the way it sinks in their minds.
29] In any case you should neither cut off your ties with your opponents nor
become so accommodating that you end up blameworthy and totally trapped
in their way of life. 30] Surely your Lord gives prosperity in abundance to a people who work
according to His program and He limits it for those who do not work for it
according to His program and He is fully aware of His subjects about their
motives and actions. 31] So you have no reason to kill your children for fear of poverty because it is
We who have provide sustenance with Our program for them as well as for
you. Surely killing them for this reason is indication of seriously wrong set up
and direction of a society against the guidance of Allah. 32] That is why you the mankind should never distort Our program through
adulteration with other ways of life that are harmful and destructive because
that is worst way to live by. 33] Moreover you should never take a life because taking of it is strictly
forbidden by Allah unless it is taken for ensuring peace and justice in the
community. If any life is taken unjustly then We grant the right of fair
retribution to its community so let not the community fail in carrying out the
justice properly in case of murder. The human community will surely find this
law helpful. 34] Furthermore you the community should never handle the affairs regarding
individuals but for bringing about betterment of the individuals so that the
community as a whole could grow strong reach maturity. Therefore always
fulfil your agreements between you the community members because
otherwise questions will arise about purpose of agreements and community
and so you the community will end up disintegrated. 35] So follow the set up measures faithfully when you have to judge things by
Our standard that is firmly balanced. This is the best way to live by and it will
prove to be the best to the end. 36] Moreover you should never support anything about which you have no
firm knowledge rather ability of hearing and capacity of understanding as well
as faculty of thinking all of these should be put under use for their set purpose
before you decide to back up anything. 37] You should never think of ruling the earth through arrogance because you
can neither rent the earth asunder nor can you be as big as the mountains. So
manage it sensibly for the good of humanity. 38] All of the stated prohibitions are unlawful for you because they are
seriously harmful and destructive for you the mankind and are hateful in the
sight of your Lord.
39] This is but a part of the wisdom which your Lord has revealed to you. So
take not any rulers other than Allah lest you end up in hell of your own making,
full of accusations against each other and rejected by each other stuck in the
rut. 40] Say, think about it that could your Lord base you the mankind on the solid
principles the while He Himself took for His mission the missionaries who
were weaklings? Indeed you are expressing a huge error in your judgement
by not supporting His program. 41] They do this despite the fact that We explained things in various ways in
this Quran so that they could use the guidance and correct their errors
thereby have a great life the while it lasts yet it has only added to their
aversion. 42] Say, think about it that if there were other rulers in this universe than Allah
as they claim, they would have certainly tried to find a way to dethrone the
Ruler of this universe. 43] Sovereignty belongs to Him alone and He is free of things they attribute to
Him. 44] Strive very hard for fulfilment of His program all the numerous far away
galaxies as well as this galaxy and whatever is between them. There is not a
single thing but reflects His glory its own way though you are not even
bothered to understand the ways they manifest His sovereignty but He has
surely been persistent protector of humanity. 45] Yet when you proclaim the Quran among the people, We let remain
between you and the chiefs and priests and their blind supporters who do not
commit to working for peace for the better end of the human community a
barrier they put up due to their arrogance and ignorance. 46] That is how We let this barrier be an obstacle for their minds so they fail to
understand the message properly because in their hearing of the message is
a defect to begin with, so when you refer to your Lord through the Quran
about His program for Oneness of the human community under His rule they
turn their backs in disgust. 47] We make evident to you why the chiefs and the priests and their
supporters come to listen to you reciting the Quran when they come to listen
to you as well as We let you know what they say when they converse with
each other in private after hearing the message you convey to them. These
opposers of Our program say to one another, surely you are listening to a
man who is plotting conspiracy against us. 48] See what sort of deduction they conjure up from the message you tell
them? They surely distort the purpose of the message as they have not
bothered to listen the message properly to find out the proper way to live their
49] This is why some of them say, as a people we have become totally
disintegrated and decomposed by internal warfare can we really then become
a community worth the name again?
50] Tell them, yes you people can be transformed into a human community
worth the name even if you have become many groups or have no solid
criterion as a foundation
51] or constructive mannerism regarding which there is gross lack of sense in
your minds. They further say, who is there to restore us to dignified life? Say, The One Who raised you the mankind to dignity originally the first time. Yet
they turn their heads towards you and ask, if what you tell us is really going to
happen then tell us when will this happen? Say, it can happen quite soon but
only if you work very hard towards it. 52] It can happen the day you are called upon to install the constitution of
Allah in the land for the good of mankind and you respond by establishing His
sovereignty in the land and that is how you will come to realise you have been
living but very limited lives. 53] Moreover tell supporters of My program that they should say to each other
what is constructive and beneficial. Surely the harmful and destructive
leadership that is opponent of My mission always looks for chances to stirs up
trouble among them. The fact is, the leadership that opposes My mission is
self evidently enemy of mankind. 54] Your Lord makes it known to you the messenger out of His concern for
you the people so that if any of you wish you could follow His program and
end up in blissful life or if any of you choose then stay away from His program
and end up in hell of your own making. We have not sent you to be their
keeper. 55] Your Lord is fully aware of all those who occupy high positions of power
as well as those down trodden. This is why We have raised some of the
prophets with more rights and responsibilities than the others therefore We
gave David the Zaboor to deal with chiefs and priests and their supporters
within his appointed jurisdiction. 56] Say, rely upon rule of those whom you assume to be the sovereigns other
than Allah but the truth is they have no power to remove your troubles nor
even the sense to comprehend them and change things for the better for
you. 57] Those upon whom the masses rely for removal of their problems as
sovereigns themselves seek the ways and means from their Lord as to which
of them can lead them according to His program to blissful life because they
fear that if they fail to follow His program they themselves will end up in hell of
their own creating. Surely the painful suffering your Lord warned you against
is something to take serious notice of.
58] There is not a township wherein chiefs and priests work against Our
guidance but We let it destroy itself completely by making it face the uprising
by its masses or let it suffer the terrible agony it brings upon itself as a result
of its own actions, that has been made clear in all Our scriptures. 59] Yet nothing stopped us from sending our revelations for guidance of
mankind, not even the opposing mindset and attitude of past generations who
denied them. We sent the law to the people of Thamud to open their eyes as
to how they should live but they worked against it. We send the revelations
only so that people pay attention to them and learn to abide by them in order
to save themselves from their self created troubles and to lead them to peace
and prosperity. 60] Remember, We told you that program of your Lord caters for needs of
mankind comprehensively so there is no escape for them from the plan of
Allah for them. We made Our vision clear in the Quran about the great future
of mankind which We shared with you just as a goal for mankind to struggle
towards by putting up struggle against harmful and destructive forces and
elements. We draw their attention to Our this plan but it only increases their
opposition to it due to their own arrogance by their lack of interest in
learning. 61] Recall the occasion when We said to the chiefs of people in the land at
the time, support Adam as the chief administrator in the land appointed by
Allah. They all submitted except Iblees, who replied, should I support the one
whom You have brought forth from lowly down trodden classes?
62] Then he asked, is this the one whom You have honoured instead of me
when he does not really deserve it because I am better than him? If you give
me time just till the day they take over their office, I will certainly show you
some of them are not worthy of the offices you put them in by uprooting all of
his official colleagues save a minority. 63] Allah said, you carry on going your way, in time you and any who follow
your way all of you are bound to face results of your own actions in form of
painful suffering, a fitting reward for terrible actions. 64] So lead to harm and destruction whoever you can with your speech and
muster against them all your cavalry and infantry thereby take away their
rights to their things and even their children and promise them whatever you
wish. However the harmful and destructive leadership can promise nothing
other than false sense of security. 65] Therefore as for My people who support My program, you cannot make
fool of them because they know you have no solid foundation to stand upon. That is because your Lord has set laws to govern all affairs. 66] It is your Lord O mankind Who has set laws to drive your ships across the
ocean so that you could seek His bounty thereby, He is ever there to lead you
to peace and prosperity by His program for you. 67] Even when any adversity strikes you at sea all those upon whom you rely
let you down save Him, yet when He brings you safely to the land you turn
your backs on His program for you. Surely man is ever neglectful of His
advice therefore he get in to all sorts of troubles. 68] Are you confident that due to your ignoring of His program He will not let
the land from underneath your feet be taken over by those who deserve land
better than you to have it, or let a tyrant take over you due to that? Then you
will not find anyone to protect you. 69] Or, are you confident that when again you go back to sea He will not let
you be smitten with a violent tempest and be drowned due to your unworthy
mindset and attitude? If that happens then you will not find any who can really
blame Us regarding this end of yours. 70] It is We who dignified children of Adam by blessing them with
conveyances on the land and in the sea and provided them with beneficial
things and gave them right of proper use over many of Our creatures. 71] The time is coming when We will call upon every community along with
their respective leadership and each of the nations will be given its copy of
Our constitution so that it stays on the right side of Our given law. That is how
they should follow Our given constitution so that they are not faced with
terrible consequences even to a least degree. 72] But those who will play blind with Our constitution and remain neglectful to
the end will lose the proper way to live ending up in painful suffering. 73] It is such people who try to entice you to lead you away from that which
We reveal to you, hoping that you fabricate something in Our name. Had you
done that, they would have made you their very close friend. 74] Had We not firmly placed you upon solid foundation then you might have
inclined to make some compromise with them. 75] In such a case We would have left you to suffer double the suffering in this
life by losing what you have and not gaining what you went for and in the life
in hereafter as well. Then you would have found no supporter to help you
against Us. 76] That is how they tried their utmost to drive you out of this ideological basis
as well as physically out of this land to expel you from it for good. Had they
succeeded in doing so then they themselves could not have survived as a
people much longer after you due to the situation they had created for
themselves because of their harmful and destructive actions against each
other due to their harmful and destructive mindsets and attitudes against each
77] This has been always Our course of action as a rule with regards to
people of those messengers whom We sent before you and you will find no
change in Our rule that We let people destroy each other out of rivalries and
animosities if they refuse to live by Our advice as a brotherhood of mankind. 78] Therefore strive very hard from the sunrise till the evening to install Our
system and thus bring about Quran based new era. Surely Quran based new
era will come about soon for all to see. 79] For making that to happen it is important that you work extra during the
night to plan things for executing them during the day. That is how your Lord
will raise you the people to a status that is truly dignified or glorious. 80] Therefore say, my Lord let me commence the struggle for installing the
system that is truly beneficial for the mankind and thereby get me out of the
system that is in actual fact harmful and destructive for humanity towards the
system that is in actual fact beneficial for the mankind and thereby grant me
from Yourself irrefutable proof that supports my claim to Your
messengership. 81] Thus let mankind know that the truth has come and the falsehood has
vanished because falsehood by its very nature is bound to perish. 82] That is because We have sent the Quran which is a repair manual for
humanity to rescue it from damage it has caused to itself, a program for
prosperity for those who will commit to working for peace, yet nothing will
increase for those who will work against this program but loss after loss. 83] Mankind is strange in its behaviour that when We bestow Our favours
upon man in form of provisions and guidance, he avoids it and does as he
pleases but when it results in harming him, he gives himself up to despair
instead of trying Our advice. 84] Say, every individual and every nation acts according to its disposition not
thinking beyond itself outside its own environment despite your Lord making
people aware through His revelations and results of their own actions as to
who is acting properly and is on the guided path and who is acting otherwise. 85] They question you about the purpose of revelation. Tell them, the
revelation is a program of my Lord for your guidance and that is because you
have been given only a limited knowledge when you are born therefore it
helps you see the full picture and where you fit in it. 86] Had we so planned We could have kept away from you the people that
which We have revealed for your guidance then you could not find any to
convince Us for sending you Our guidance. 87] But your Lord instead decided to bless you with this wisdom of your Lord, surely His grant of guidance is of a huge value for you.
88] Say, even if all those who oppose Our guidance and their leaders
combined their resources to produce the like of this Quran, they would never
be able to compose the like thereof even if they backed up each other as best
as they could. 89] In this Quran We have used every kind of method necessary to make the
people understand the message yet majority of them persist in opposing it
and denying its benefits to themselves and others
90] and say, we will not accept this message of yours O Muhammad unless
you cause a spring to gush forth from the earth for us, 91] or unless you produce a garden for yourself of date-palms and grapes and
you cause rivers to flow in it, 92] or unless you cause some divine destruction to befall us in bits about
which you warn us or you enforce the rule of Allah with help of divine
missionaries before our very eyes, 93] or produce a house made with gold for yourself or you ascend in to the
heaven– but we will not accept your this ascendance in to heaven unless you
bring down to us a book that we can read. Say to them, sovereignty only
belongs to my Lord so its His program that should know instead of making
your own senseless demands for miracles. Have I ever claimed to you the
people to be anything more than a human being assigned messenger-ship by
94] And what silliest excuse prevented ignorant masses from accepting Our
program when it came to them other than their objection, why Allah has sent
an ordinary human being like ourselves as His messenger?
95] Say, had there been living in the earth the creatures like the ones you
imagine for divine messengership then We would have sent them a creature
of their own kind as their heavenly Messenger. 96] Say, sufficient is testimony of Allah as a proof to decide the matter
between me and you. Surely He hears and sees all that His subjects need. 97] That is why whoever learns enough to see the need for guidance of Allah
he is guided by Him and any who goes the other way he will never find any
supporter other than Him. This is why We gather such people together on the
day of uprising against their ways of life, which they follow like blind, dumb
and deaf that lead them to hell of their own making. We let them increase the
fierceness of their fire of hatred between themselves till they have had enough
therefore repent and reform or perish. 98] Thus We let people face the results of their own actions because they
reject and oppose Our program that calls them to blissful life therefore in
despair some ask themselves, when we have disintegrated and have become
decomposed as community, could we be revived to blissful life of dignity again
as a new human community?
99] Do they not see that Allah is so wise and powerful that He alone has
evolved all the heavenly bodies including this earth so He has power and
wisdom to evolves towards betterment even likes of them because He has set
up a period of time for them in which there is no doubt they will be raised to
dignity even though the arrogant and the ignorant among them carry on
nothing but transgression against each other?
100] Say, even if you had all the treasures of my Lord at your disposal you will
still hold them back from using them for the benefit of the mankind fearing
their reduction due to your harmful and destructive mindset and attitude
towards each other. Man is ever so stingy so he must change his mindset and
101] That is the reason We gave Moses nine distinct Surahs=lectures as
lessons for his people when he came to them, ask the children of Israel. And
Pharaoh said, O Moses! I think you are taken over by some clever plan
against us. 102] Moses replied, I think you can know the truth very clearly if you want that
no one except the Lord of the heavens and the earth has sent down these
revelations as eye-openers and O Pharaoh, I think that if you fail to give the
due attention to these revelations then you are doomed for destruction the
way you people are carrying on. 103] However Pharaoh decided to drive Moses and his people out from their
stance and place so We let him destroy himself and all who were with him by
hands of each other as is Our set rule for all the nations. 104] That is how thereafter We made it possible for the ideological and
biological children of Israel to settle down back in the same land and that is
how in time there came the time for fulfilment of Our another promise to you
the people for which We gathered you together among communities. 105] So to fulfil that promise We have revealed this Quran and that is the
purpose it came for. So O messenger, We have not sent you but to deliver the
promised blissful program and the warning that failing to follow it will result in
serious consequences for the mankind. 106] For that reason We have divided the Quran into sections so that you O
messenger deliver the program to the mankind in steps and that is why We
reveal it through you to them in stages. 107] Say O mankind, it is up to you to commit to working for peace according
to it or not to commit to working for peace. Indeed those who were bestowed
with similar revealed knowledge before it when it is proclaimed before them
they are overwhelmed by it therefore they accept it true
108] and that is why they declare, sovereignty surely belongs to our Lord
alone! The promise of Our Lord has been fulfilled indeed. 109] They are influenced so much that they are overcome by its awesome
information therefore tears run down their eyes due to increase in their
recognition of it. 110] Say, it matters not you call Him Allah or you call Him Rahmaan because
by whichever name you call Him all the good names like the ones you are told
are for Him. The main thing is that you do not go overboard in your community
network building responsibility nor take it lightly but seek a middle way. 111] That is how you should proclaim, sovereignty only belongs to Allah Who
has no begotten son to succeed Him nor has He any partnership with anyone
in the sovereignty of this Kingdom and there is none more powerful than Him
to humble Him, so accept His greatness and establish His great Kingdom on
the earth for the good of the mankind.