SURAH 64 : At-Taghâbun |
1. Everything in the heavens and on earth is actively fulfilling the designated programme of Allah the Almighty. He is the source of all power and Hamd; and accordingly He has devised measures (Laws) for everything over which He exercises full control (7:31-36; 14:1-2; 16:5-6; 18:7; 67:1-5).
2. It is He Who gave you human form. (And the greatest quality of a human being is his capability of choice and discretion. Accordingly) Some of you are Kafir (who do not accept Divine Laws) and others are Momin (who accept these Laws). (No other creation in the universe has been given the discretionary ability to either accept or reject Divine Laws. This discretion is given exclusively to human beings, and that is why they are held responsible for their actions ~ 18:29. (Although mankind have been given this choice, they do not have the authority to go on the wrong path and expect to be rewarded as if the right one had been taken.) The consequences of his deeds will be compiled according to Allah’s Law of Mukafat, which sees everything.
3. He has created this grand universe as an absolute reality. (It is not an illusion, mirage or a meaningless dream.) He granted you a countenance, wherein He concentrated the full potential for beauty and grandeur. (In order to see that this potential is manifested, there has to be an objective standard. This standard can be none other than Allah Himself, Whose attributes are ultimate, perfect and most beautiful. You should keep that standard before you and as far as is humanly possible, try to imbibe these Divine attributes in your own person. That is the ultimate aim of your life in this world.
4. He is aware of everything that exists in the outer universe; as well as whatever happens in your inner world or becomes manifest through your deeds. He is even aware of the imperceptible thoughts which cross your minds. (Therefore it is just not possible any of your deeds to go unnoticed. However, in this world this would only happen if a proper social order exists.)
5. This is evident from historical episodes of earlier nations. Whoever amongst them denied the truthfulness of Divine Laws and established their systems on false principles, had to face the consequences. They were caught in a grievous chastisement of doom and destruction.
6. The messengers of Allah came to them with clear self-evident reasons and Laws, but they contemptuously looked down upon them and said, “Do we accept the leadership of men (like us)?” (The criterion should not have been that the person conveying the message is one like them. Rather it should have been the nature of the concepts he presents. However, without reflecting over it and with arrogance and prejudice) They rejected it, turned around and went away in a different direction. (They consequently suffered; and no harm was done to Allah.) He is beyond needing people’s assistance for the accomplishment of His programmes. He is self sufficient and worthy of all Hamd.
7. (Like their predecessors) People who deny the Divine Code are under the wrong impression that they possess mighty powers whereby they cannot be dislodged from their obstructive attitude towards the of Divine Order. Tell them not to be under such false impression for they cannot be in the way of Allah’s Nizam-e-Rabubiyat. “You shall certainly be dislodged so that humanity can continue to go forward. At that time you will see the outcome of your deeds.” And it is not at all difficult for Allah to do so, for this can be easily achieved according to His Law of Mukafat.
8. (Tell them that if they want, thereis still time to remain safe from this doom.) They should believe in Allah and His Rasool; that is the Divine Code (the Quran) that Allah has sent as illuminating guidance for your intellect (just like the light which the sun provides for your eyes to see). Allah’s Law of Mukafat is fully aware of everything you do.
9. However if you do not do this, then the final decision of this tussle will take place on the battlefield, on the day all of you will gather. That will be the day of either victory or defeat. The outcome of this clash will bring forth each group’s shortcomings which were responsible for their defeat. The shortcomings of the Jamaat that believes in the truthfulness of Divine Laws and works according to the beneficent programme set by it, will be compensated by their righteous deeds. In this way (by overpowering their opponents) they shall establish a heavenly society. That society’s freshness shall never fade; and they will abide there forever. (They will enjoy heavenly life as long as that society remains intact.) This obviously is a great achievement (and their position shall be the same in life hereafter).
10. On the contrary, those who deny the truthfulness of this system and belie Our Laws, are destined for unending suffering and destruction. What an awful end to life!
11. It should be clearly understood that everything in the universe happens according to the Divine Law (according to set regulations and not in a haphazard manner. This is so because) He has full knowledge of everything.
The intellect of whoever believes in the truthfulness of these Laws receives illuminating guidance, with the help of which he can understand the causes and effects of incidents that take place. (It is obvious that the life of a nation which can understand the mechanism of how these incidents take place, how to derive benefits from them, and how to safeguard themselves from their ill effects, can be very successful!)
12. (If you want to inculcate these qualities you have to) Obey the Divine Order that is being established by Allah’s Rasool. If you turn away (no harm will come to Allah or His Rasool. The loss would be yours because) The responsibility of Our Rasool is only to explicitly convey these Laws to you. To work according to them is your own responsibility.
13. (And remember that you can never attain success by turning away from these Laws. The reason is that) Only Allah’s Law is in force in the universe. No one else enjoys any authority or power. People who are convinced of this reality have full trust and confidence in the firmness of these Laws.
14. (O Jamat-ul-Momineen, you who are striving for the establishment of this Nizam-e-Rabubiyat, should particularly keep one thing in view. This system is based on the concept that you work hard and that after meeting the needs of your family from your earnings, you keep the rest open and available for mankind. Should your spouses and children not think in this way not accept this concept due to shortsightedness, then they would be in your way. And) It is likely that some of your spouses and children may become your enemies. Hence keep this in mind. If you go beyond their shortsightedness and extend the concept of universal Rabubiyyat beyond the fourwalls of your own homes, you will be able to establish a system that provides protection and means of development to all the people (including your own family).
15. With this background your wealth and will children serve as a crucible for you, out of which you can come out either as pure gold, or a heap of ashes. You shall become pure gold if you never forget that real and productive reward of your labour is that which you get according to Divine Laws.
(You have already been told how to remove such struggle from your domestic life. At the time of choosing a life partner you should consider that both of you should have similar views and ideologies. Also, you should train your children so that they too grow up with the same idea. Such a home will not have this tussle ~ 2:221.)
16. Therefore guard the Divine Laws to the best of your ability. Listen carefully to the directives of the Divine System and obey them. Keep your earnings open for public nourishment. Your own betterment lies in this. This will broaden your outlook and will not let the instinct to gather everything for oneself and deprive others, to prevail. Man’s selfish instinct teaches him that his crop would only flourish if he waters his fields and brushes aside the needs of others. On the other hand, Our Law of Rabubiyyat is that ultimately the crops of only those who give preference to other people’s needs would flourish (59:9).
17. The Law also teaches you that whatever you give for the nourishment and development of others, is in actual fact a ‘loan’ that you give to Allah the Almighty. If you give it for the establishment of the Divine System, He will return it to you manyfold. He will also protect you from possible harm.
Allah fully rewards everyone’s effort and ignores their minor shortcomings, because He is forbearing and has broad vision.
18. He knows all that is hidden as well as that which is manifest. He has full control over His Laws; and this control is rational.