SURAH 61 : As-Saff

1.             Everything in the heavens and on earth is busy in fulfilling the designated programme of Allah the Almighty.  His Law is extremely strong and overpowering.  However, this power is extremely rational.  Laws always overpower rationally.

2.             (Reflect seriously over everything that has been said afore and see what conclusion this gigantic system of the universe takes you to.  You will see that through its performance, everything manifests its duties.  Therefore you should also substantiate your claim to Eiman with your conduct.)  O Jamat-ul-Momineen, do not make tall claims which you cannot substantiate.  You must do whatever you say you will.  Harmony in what you say and do is the only proof of truthfulness of your Eiman.

3.             According to the Divine Law it is most loathsome and questionable that you say you will do something, which then you do not do.

4.             Allah does not like those who just talk.  He likes those who (when the necessity arises) come out to fight for the sake of establishing and strengthening the Divine Order; and then fight standing firm in solid ranks, like a wall strengthened by pouring molten lead.

5.             (Moses’ nation used to talk a lot, but when they were called upon to do something they looked for excuses and thus became a source of vexation for their Rasool.  So these were the circumstances under which) Moses said to his people, “Why do you always remain a source of trouble and torture for me, although you know that I have been sent towards you as a Rasool from Allah.  (Any path I ask you to adopt is proposed by the Almighty and is for your own good.)”  But inspite of this they did not give up their erroneous ways.  As they strayed from the right way, the outcome according to the Law of Mukafat was that their hearts turned further away from the truth (51:9).  The Divine Law states that people who knowingly go astray cannot reach their destination.

6.             This was the condition of the nation of Bani-Israel at the time their Nabi Jesus, son of Mary, told them “I am Allah’s messenger sent to you.  I have come to prove the truthfulness of what has been revealed to you in Torah (previous books).  I also give you glad tidings of another Rasool, who shall come after me and whose name shall be ‘Ahmad’.  (But the people who were a source of trouble and nuisance for Moses, also mistreated Jesus in a way that everyone is aware of.  How could they believe the news of a Rasool that was to come?)  Now when that awaited Rasool has finally come and brought clear and evident Laws, they say “This is (not Allah’s Wahi) but a manifest lie (that has been concocted by him).”

7.             (This Rasool has been mentioned in their own books.  However in order to belie him they interpolate their books, giving different interpretations and explaining that this person was not the Rasool whose tiding was given by Jesus.)  Tell them that according to the Divine Law, concocting things and attributing them to Allah is a very serious offense.  (Just think of why you belie this Rasool? What wrong or objectionable things is he telling you?)  He is only inviting you towards Islam, the same Deen that Anbia from Bani-Israel had been presenting to you, but which is not available to you in its original form.

                Remember! A straight and clear path of life can never open up for people who do not allow things to stay in their appropriate places.

8.             Do you think that with such attitude and actions you can extinguish the Divine Light (the Quran)?  You can never succeed in your designs.  (Just imagine! Can they ever extinguish the light of the sun by just blowing at it?)  Allah is determined to make His light perfect and spread it all over, regardless of how much the Kuffar may detest it (9:32).

9.             It is Allah Who has sent His Rasool with a Code of Guidance and a system of life based on absolute truth.  He has done so with the aim that it will ultimately triumph over all other fake systems in the world, no matter how detestable it may be to those who other than those given by Allah, want to obey laws of various other gods (9:33).

10.           O Jamat-ul-Momineen! Come, I will tell you a glorious principle of life.  (Every person in this world wants to do a business in which he can make a profit.  Nobody wants to give up his gains.  Anyone who does not consider profit and loss is insane.  Despite taking all precautions before entering a business bargain, a person can suffer a loss because he failed to assess the deal correctly.  Just imagine (how wonderful it would be if you discover a business which would never lose!)  Let me tell you of a business in which you shall never suffer a loss!  It will save you from grave suffering (that results from loss in business).

11.           And that business is that you should have complete conviction in the truthfulness and comprehensiveness of the Divine Order, that is being established by Allah’s Rasool.  You should strive hard with your wealth and possessions and if need be, give your lives!  If you reflect on this rationally, you will see that there is much profit in this business (9:111).

12.           This System will provide you with the resources that will protect you from disasters which chase you. In this world as well as in the hereafter, it will grant you a heavenly life which would never lose freshness.  (For example) You will have evergreen gardens and most beautiful houses to live in.  For whoever attains it, this is indeed a supreme achievement.

13.           Besides this, there is one more favour that you would love to have.  (You would want to establish your dominion not only in Arabia, but in the outside world as well ~ 33:27.)  For this you will get full support and assistance from Laws of Allah, due to which the doors of success will open one after the other.

                        O Rasool! Give these glad tidings to the Momineen, your companions.

14.           However, Allah will not make all this possible unilaterally.  In the human world, human beings themselves should join hands to accomplish His programmes.  Therefore, O Jamat-ul-Momineen, all of you should become helpers of Allah in establishing the system.  Previously also, wherever such systems were established, they all came into existence through human effort.  For instance Jesus, son of Mary, had similarly asked his devoted disciples, “Tell me, who amongst you will help me in establishing the Divine Order?”  To this his disciples replied in unison, “For this purpose we shall become Allah’s helpers.”  The result of their efforts was that one group amongst the Bani-Israel believed in the truthfulness of this System, while another turned against it.  When a tussle arose between them, We helped those who had believed this Deen; and they overpowdered their enemies.

                (This is what had happened at that time and the same will happen now.  Eventually from amongst those who oppose you, will emerge a group that would stand up against the enemies of the Deen and help in the establishment of the Divine Order.  This group will be endowed with Allah’s corroboration and support.)

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