SURAH 40 : Ghâfir

1.         Allah the most wise, the most knowledgeable says:

2.         This Divine Code has been revealed from Allah the Almighty, Who wields absolute command and authority and has the knowledge of everything.

3.         It also guides those who adopt this Code, to the way they can remain safe from the adverse effects of any lapse that may occur at their hands (11:114).  If they take a wrong turn at a crossroads and come back after realizing their mistake, the Code provides them the opportunity for reprieve.  However, on those who deliberately commit aggression His grip is very rigorous. His Law of Mukafat encompasses everything and therefore its grip is very rigorous.  No one except Him holds any authority or power in the universe.  The result of every deed is formulated according to His Laws.

4.         Only the people who from the outset make up their minds that they were not going to accept them, dispute and question the truthfulness of Allah’s Laws.  At present these people hold power and authority in the habitations (and it is on this very basis that they have such an irrational attitude).  However this situation should not create any misunderstanding for you (as their end result would be destruction; and the proof of this can be found in the historical episodes of previous generations).

5.         (For example)  Before them the people of Noah and later various other groups and factions belied these laws.  So much so that they even planned to lay their hands on the messengers who conveyed the Divine Code to them.  They even plotted against their Rusul and raised frivolous disputes so as to undermine the truth.  But what happened ultimately? Our Law of Mukafat overtook every one of them and the whole world witnessed the terrible end result of those who are chased by Our Law.

6.         In this way, the decree of your Rabb which was conveyed to them (that the end result of violating the Divine Laws would be destruction) proved true and and all their deeds and efforts were ‘burnt to ashes’.  (This will happen to these people as well.)

7.         On the other hand there are people who believe in the truthfulness of Divine Laws and try to mould their lives accordingly.  For them all the heavenly forces that execute the Divine Plans become source of help (33:43).  These forces are assigned the task of maintaining His central control over the entire universe.  At the same time they implement His programs, so that Allah’s system of Rabubiyyat, which deserves all praise and Hamd, continues to function perfectly.  They have full trust in it.  These forces are a source of strength for the Momineen and also provide them with protection against all dangers.  They proclaim, “O Our Rabb, just as Your system of Rabubiyat encompasses the entire universe; knows the latent abilities of everything; and shows also how can these be developed, likewise should happen in the human world as well.  This group of Momineen has stood up to achieve the same. So if after they slip up somewhere they realize their mistake and want to make good the damage, grant them protection against the harmful effects of their wrong attitude, so that they could proceed unhampered on the path decreed by you.  Also provide them protection against the suffering resulting from destructive forces.

8.         O our Rabb!  Bestow all the happiness and pleasantries of life on them, so  that they remain ever blissful and never wither away.  This is the kind of life You had promised them.  Make them enter this heavenly society along with those from amongst their forefathers, spouses and progeny, who have developed the capability of living in such a society.

All this will happen according to your Law of Mukafat, which is extremely powerful and is based on wisdom and not on irrationality.

9.         O our Rabb! Keep their society safe from chaos and disorder; as only the societies which can benefit from your Rahmat and Rabubiyyat can save themselves from disorders!  There is no doubt that it is a great achievement and success for whoever attains it.

10.        On the Day of Judgment, those who rejected the Divine Laws would be told, “You were also invited to lead this kind of life.  However, at that time you rejected and rebelled against it.  Today you can yourself see the results of your attitude.  Today you are fed up with yourself; but the disgust of the Divine Order which produces such pleasant results is even more intense.”

11.        They would say, “O Our Rabb, twice You have you caused us to die and twice You brought us to life.  (Before we were born into this world we were dead and You gave us life; then we died and again You have given us life ~ 2:28; 37:58; 44:56.)  However life in Jahannum is worse than death (14:17; 20:74; 35:36; 87:13).  We now confess our guilts.  As such, is there any way out of this suffering so that we can also enjoy the pleasantness of real life?”

12.        They would be told, “When you were called upon to obey the Divine Laws of Allah the only One, you rejected them.  But you immediately accepted the partners who were ascribed to Him (39:45).  Today you have seen for yourself that all decisions are made as per Allah and only Allah’s Laws.  No one else has any share in these Laws.  He is most exalted and the greatest.  No one can share His domain.

13.        (O Rasool! Present these facts before your addresses and tell them that this invitation is from the Almighty, Who continues showing you His Signs in the universe so that you may adopt the right course.  For example) He brings down rain from the skies, which in turn produces sustenance for you.  (If you ponder only over this phenomenon, it will lead you to so many other realities.)  However such matters can only become clear to the person who pays attention to them.

14.        In brief, the way to live is to sincerely obey only Allah’s Laws (without ascribing a share to any one else), regardless of how detestable it might be to the people who deny the truth.

15.        These Laws are from the Allah Who is at the highest status.  Neither has He attained that height progressively, nor did He evolve to that position.  He is there by Himself; and He will also bestow a high position on those who obey His Laws.  The central command and control of the entire universe is in His hands.  He reveals His Laws for the guidance of the people through Wahi.  And for this purpose, from amongst His subjects, He selects the person He likes and reveals to him his Laws through WahiI.  That Rasool conveys these Laws to other people thus making them aware of the fact that the consequences of every action of theirs is bound to confront them one day.

16.        The accumulation of results starts as soon as the action takes place,  but the results become apparent after a course of time.  No action of any human being remains hidden from His Law of Mukafat.  Every action produces its respective results.

On the Day when their actions manifest themselves, they will be questioned: With whom does the entity of power, authority and sovereignty rest today? (They will proclaim spontaneously that)  All entire authority and power rest with Allah alone. He holds absolute control way over everything that exists.  (It was due to our sheer ignorance that along with Him, we ascribed powers to others.)


I The system of Wahi has ended after Nabi Mohammed.  Now the only source of these laws is Quran, wherein they are preserved.

17.        On that Day everyone will be fully requited for whatever one has done.  No injustice will be done to any one and Allah’s Law of Mukafat is very swift in evaluating (i.e. As has been said earlier, the accumulation of consequences starts as soon as the action takes place.)

18.        O Rasool!  With this Wahi, continue warning these people about the Day of Judgment, which is not too far away.  On that Day, with their hearts stuck in their throats, they will be shocked to see the results of their deeds.  They will be anxious to get out; but at that time these ‘zalimeen’ will not find any friend or intercessor whose word can be heard.

19.        On that Day the outcome of all deeds would manifest as per Allah’s Law of Mukafat.  According to these Laws (the visible actions apart), God knows even about the stealthiest of glances and about all that one thinks of privately.

20.        God decides all affairs justly.  However the entities whose authority and supremacy these people acknowledge (besides that of Allah) have no power to decide any of their affairs.  The ability and power to decide shows that the phenomenon of deciding every matter as per the Law of Mukafat, has been established by God.  He is the only one whose Laws are prevalent in society; and Allah alone is all-hearing, all-seeing.  Accordingly no action of anyone can remain outside the ambit of His Law.

21.        (Historical evidence shows how God justly decides these affairs and how His Law of Mukafat manifests itself.)   Haven’t they travelled across the earth and  seen the end of earlier nations?  Those earlier nations were in fact much more powerful than these people; and were also able to achieve higher production and obtain more means of sustenance from earth (30:9).  However when they went astray, Allah’s Law of Mukafat punished them; and no one was able to save them.

22.        This happened because they refused to accept the explicit Laws which their Rusul brought them.  As a consequence Allah’s Law of Mukafat got them;  as that Law is extremely powerful and pursues criminals very severely.

23-24.  (From historical evidence, consider the case of Pharaoh’s nation as an example.)  We had sent Moses to Pharaoh (the embodiment of oppression and dictatorship), Haman (the diehard leader of the priests) and Korab (the symbol of capitalism) with Our Laws and explicit evidence.  (The Laws that Moses had brought directly effected all three of them.)  Therefore they dubbed him an illusionist and a liar.

25.        Although (as has been mentioned afore) He had brought the truth to them,  they had no argument to appropriately rebut him.  (Therefore they started using tactics which are normally used by people who are intoxicated with power.)  They decided that the respectable people (from amongst those who believe in Moses’s God and joined his group of companions, should be humiliated.  On the other hand, those amongst the Bani-Israel who are meek and lack any quality of manliness, should be elevated to the corridors of power.  And by using these tactics, they hoped to break the collective power of Moses’ group ~ 2:49; 7:127.)  None of their tactics worked (as the world ultimately saw).

26.        (When Pharaoh realized that none of his tactics had worked, he finally told his courtiers)  Now leave it to me; and I will slay Moses.  Let him call his Rabb; and let us see how He saves him.  I am afraid that Moses will replace your system of government with another one.  (Failing which) He will, as a minimum, destroy the existing system and create chaos in the land.

27.        Upon this Moses said, “I seek refuge with the Almighty, Who is my Rabb as well as yours, from the oppression of all those who are arrogant and rebellious and who do not believe in the day of accountability (Law of Mukafat).

28.        (When the situation took this turn)  A Momin from amongst the people of Pharaoh, who had till then kept his Eiman to himself, stood up and said in the open court, “Would you slay a man simply because he says that his sustainer is Allah; and because he has brought explicit reasons from his Rabb?  (He presents his claim with wisdom and insight and proves it with rational clarity; yet you want to deceitfully kill him.)  The whole matter is very clear.  If he is lying about his claim of Risalat, he will suffer the consequences.  However, if he is telling the truth, then remember that the punishment and calamity about which he is cautioning is bound to befall you. You should keep in mind the principle that Allah does not reward success to anyone who makes false promises and transgresses God’s Laws.

29.        O my people.  There is no doubt that today you are enjoying your rule on earth and control over everything here.  However (tell me), who will save us from Allah’s scourge should it befall us?

(Interrupting the conversation) Pharaoh said, “I have pointed out to you what I believe is right.  It would would be better for you to follow what I said earlier (that is to kill Moses).  Remember! I have always guided you to the path which is beneficial to you.”

30.        The Momin (ignoring Pharaoh’s interruption continued and) said, “O my people! I am afraid that you might suffer the same fate as the other nations before you.”

31.        Your condition might not be like that of the people of NoahAad and Thamud and other nations which came after them.  (Their destruction was the consequence of their own misdeeds.)  Allah is never unjust to His subjects.

32.        (He further warned), “O my people.  I am afraid of the time (when Allah’s chastisement will surround you from all sides and such chaos will arise that) you will cry for each other’s help (and yet no one would be able to do so).  

33.        You may turn your backs and run away to escape the doom.  (But the doom will not stop chasing you.)  You will not get refuge anywhere. (Then the reality will dawn on you, that)  No one can show the path leading to success to the people who abandon the right course indicated by Allah.           

34.        And remember that earlier Joseph had also come to you with explicit laws from Almighty, but you continued to doubt the message.  Therefore when he died you were happy that this episode was over.  You believed that from now onward, Allah would not send any other Rasool. (And no one would thus question your ways).  Remember those who violate the limits and are doubtful (about Divine Laws), will go astray as per the Divine Laws.

35.        Even though human beings do not have the power to succeed by waging war against the Divine Laws, these people are always fighting against them (40:56).  Such an attitude is loathsome.  It is also unacceptable to those who believe in the truthfulness of these Laws.  It is due to this loathsomeness that Allah’s Law of Mukafat seals off the hearts (minds) of those who are arrogant and conceited.  (Their ability to understand the truth is lost ~ 2:7.)

36-37.   (In order to ridicule the Momin’s warning)  Pharaoh taunted, “O Haman! Build me a high tower from where I can reach the sky routes leading to Moses’s God and then have a peep at Him.  I consider this man (Moses) to be a liar.” 

This was the attitude that made every evil deed appear attractive to Pharaoh; it stopped him from leading the truthful path.  (Pharaoh used many tactics against Moses, but these led to nothing but mental torment for him.)

38.        (Ignoring Pharaoh’s interruption) the Momin went on to say, “O my people! Do not pay any attention to what Pharaoh says.  You should work according to what I say.  I shall guide you to the right path (whereas he wants to take you to the path of destruction).

39.        “O my people!  Worldly gains are temporary and the benefits of the future are enduring and permanent.”  (There is no doubt that the wealth of this world is important.  However one should understand the conflict between immediate gains and the life of future.)  That is so because this world is ephemeral, while the ultimate abode of man is the life in the hereafter.

40.        (These matters are not decided as per the laws of a wordily king, but according to the Divine Law of Mukafat.)  Whoever does an evil deed will be treated accordingly.  The abode of any man or woman who has faith in the truthfulness of these Laws and works righteously will be ‘Jannat‘, where there will be abundant provisions for sustenance.  There will be no limit to the comforts and blessings.

41.        “O my people!  Is it not strange that while I invite you towards the path which would safeguard you from all calamities, you are calling me to the wrath of Jahannum.”

42.        In other words, you are inviting me to reject the Divine Laws and to ascribe partners to Allah.  I have no evidence or reason to believe that such partners have any authority or power.  On the other hand, I am inviting you towards Allah who is all-powerful and He protects those who follow His Laws from all dangers.

43.        There is no doubt what you invite me to neither provides peace and tranquility in this world, nor does it have any worth in the hereafter.  (This is not to say that every call which claims to assure happiness and comfort would actually do so.)  All our affairs are decided according to Allah’s Law of Mukafat.  Therefore only that call which actually takes one to the path of comforts and happiness, is correct. The end result for whoever transgresses will be doom and destruction.

44.        “O my people!  I have said all that I wanted to.  Soon a time will come when you will remember my words.  (I know that most of you did not like what I have said.  However, I do not care for the unhappiness which my truth may cause you.)  Now I leave all my affairs in the care of Allah, Who is ever watchful of His subjects.”

45.        (Pharaoh and his people could not tolerate the frankness of this Momin. They associated him with the opponents and considered him to be a conspirator. They planned to cause him harm.  But Allah Almighty saved him from all their conspirators; and dreadful sufferings befell Pharaoh’s nation from all sides.)

46.        They suffered everlasting chastisement and destruction in this world.  Furthermore on the Day of Judgement, a command will be given that they should be severely punished (7:133; 28:42).

47.        In Jahannum they will argue with each other and the weaker ones (ordinary people) will say to the arrogant leaders, “Behold!  You had kept us as your followers.  Now, can’t you ward off even a portion of this chastisement?” (14:21; 33:67; 34:32; 37:27-29; 38:60.)

48.        The arrogant leaders will reply, “We are all in it and this is the Judgment of Allah, based on the deeds of the people.  (No one has any authority to change it; our leadership has finished totally.)”

49.        The inmates of Jahannum will beseech their keepers, “Ask your Rabb to lessen this suffering, for a short while (at least).”

50.        They will reply, “Did your Rusul not come to you with explicit and convincing Divine Laws?”.  Their reply will be affirmative.  Then the keepers will ask further, “(When you had deliberately defied the Divine Laws, how can we now make such a request to the Almighty?) It is better that you yourself make such a request”.  How can such wailings benefit the people who had been rebelling against the Divine Laws?

51.        (O Rasool! Tell them that) “Our succour and help is always with our Rusul and with people who believe in the truthfulness of Our Laws.  We will help them in their lives on earth, and on the Day when the resultant effects of all theirdeeds would be presented to them.

52.        On that Day, the excuses of the people who had rebelled against our laws would be of no avail.  They would be deprived of all the pleasantries and their abode would be woeful.

53.        (This in brief was the story of the people of Pharaoh, to whom We had sent Moses.)  We had also given Moses a Divine Code and the Bani-Israel were heirs to it.

54.        In that Code there was guidance and a reminder for those who use their wisdom and rationale.

55.        (Moses stood steadfast in this tussle.  Like this O Rasool1) You should also remain firm and steadfast and continue in your mission.  Allah’s promise always comes true; whatever He says will definitely happen.  Through the Divine Laws you should seek protection against whatever your opponents say or from those who cast aspersions on you.  The way to achieve this is to continue establishing the Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat. On seeing its pleasant results, everyone will be appreciative and say that it really deserves entire praise and Hamd (47:19;48:2).

56.        (Although human beings are not capable of succeeding in this fight against the Divine Laws ~ 40:35.)  All your opponents who are disputing the Divine Laws without reason, are doing this in order to capture authority in the country.  However they cannot acquire authority in this way.  (It can only be achieved by following the Divine Laws.  Their desire to become superior is making them do all this.  This is not the way to become superior ~ 7:146.)

(O Rasool! Do not give any importance to what they say.  In order to remain safe from the ill effects of their designs)  You should take protection behind the shield of Allah’s Laws.  These Laws are of God, Who is all-hearing and all-seeing.

57.        (These people believe that the outer universe is run by the Divine Laws and that there is no sovereign over human beings.  Accordingly they feel that they are free to do anything they like and that no one would question him.  This notion is incorrect.)  The fact is that creation of the universe is indeed a far greater phenomenon than the creation of man.  (How could human beings remain outside the grip of His Law, when the whole universe follows the Divine Laws?)  Nevertheless most people do not understand this reality (29:61).


1 This could also mean minor errors which might occur during the implementation of the Divine Programme.

58.        (All affairs of mankind are judged according to the Divine Law.)  A blind man cannot be equated with the one who can see.  Under the same law, how can a man who believes in the permanent values of life and accordingly works to improve himself and the society, be equated to those who create chaos and disorder.  How strange it is that you do not reflect on such a simple matter!

59.        Remember that the revolution (at which time We have said that these two groups would not be treated equally) is bound to take place and certainly there is no doubt about it.  But most people are not prepared to accept this fact.

60.        For this (revolutionary) program you should call for the Divine Laws at every crossroad of life.  The Law will surely answer your call and guide you.  (Calling the Law means finding the one applicable to any particular situation.  Remember)  Those who disobey the Divine Laws will be humiliated and end up in being punished.

61.        Allah the Almighty arranged that for the sake of your physical development, you should work in the light of the day and take rest during the night.  (Thus you can recuperate all the energy that had been consumed during the day and provide rest to the nerves.)  God has graciously provided mankind many facilities for human struggles, but most people are ungrateful and do not take full benefit.

62.        This is your Allah Who has made magnificent arrangements for your nourishment.  He is the creator of all things.  There is no one else, who besides Him, wields authority and power.  And  (surprisingly, instead of coming to Him) you turn away from Him!  (29:61).

63.        Just like you, they also turned away from the Divine Laws and raised unnecessary objections. (You are well aware of their end result.  The same would apply to you.)

64.        It is the wonder of His Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat that He (gradually) made the earth (which at one time was just nebula) suitable for you to live on.  He enveloped it with an atmosphere that keeps you safe from falling meteors (21:32).  Then He formed your life in a way that is very balanced and beautiful; and for your development He provided pleasant means of nourishment.

This then is your Allah, Who develops not only you but also the entire universe and all humanity.  He is not the Rabb of one particular group or people or nation, but of all the worlds.

Just think about how much of an embodiment of bounty and bliss He, who has undertaken the responsibility of providing nourishment universally, is.

65.        He is ever-living.  Everyone else gets life from Him.  No one else besides Him wields any authority or power.  Therefore you should only obey His Laws.  In this way the universal Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat would be established in your society.  Whoever sees it would exclaim, “Certainly all ‘Hamd’ is for Allah, whose laws produce such pleasant results!”

66.        O Rasool! Tell these people that a clear and convincing code of Rabubiat has been revealed to you and that you have been ordered to bow and submit to the Divine Laws which undertake the responsibility of universal Rabubiyyat.  Furthermore, tell them that you have been forbidden to obey the other ‘beings’ whose power and authority they accept.

67.        (The living proof of His Nizam-e-Rabubiat is your own self.)  He initiated your creation out of inorganic matter.  (Then He took you through various phases of evolution and brought you to the stage where life is created out of a sperm.  In the uterus He converted the sperm into a leach form, the embryo, and then brought you into this world in the shape of a human child.  Then you grow up and reach the age of maturity, following which you gradually become old.  Some of you die in childhood while others reach the age when one is capable of using his wisdom and reason.)

68.        Life is bestowed according to Allah’s Laws.  Death also occurs according to His Law.  Such is the position of His all-encompassing powers that when He decides to do anything, its initial stage comes into existence instantly.  (Then, according to His Law of Rabubiyyat, it reaches its destined goal having passed through various stags of evolution.)

69.        (This is the Divine Law about which there is no doubt.)  However, have you not seen the people who raise disputes and wrangle with regard to Allah’s Laws? (Just ask them) What other path do they want to take, after turning away from Allah’s road?

70.        These are the people who belie the Divine Code (the Quran).  (Since the Quran is the ultimate epitome of all the books sent to the previous Rusul, belying it amounts to rejecting all the previous teachings that had been sent from time to time, through the Rusul.)

However, they harm no one, except themselves.  They will soon see for themselves the result of their denial.

71-74.   With yokes around their necks and in chains, they will be dragged into the boiling fluid and then thrown in the fire.  At that time they will be asked about where those to whom they ascribed a share of Allah’s divinity and obeyed, were.  (Now call them for help!)  They shall reply, “They have disappeared and cannot be seen anywhere.  The reality has now dawned upon us that the powers which we attributed to our lords, in actual fact had no real existence.  The Divine Law of Mukafat destroys those who deny the truth.

75.        (They shall be told that they were in this miserable condition because,  “You were proud of yourself without doing anything constructive; and you were arrogantly intoxicated by the powers with which you wanted to attain greatness.” ~  40:56.)

76.        Now, enter Jahanum from various gates and dwell therein.  The abode of those who are unjustly proud is surely miserable.

77.        (O Rasool! You should clearly explain all this to them.  Thereafter) Remain steadfast in the implementation of your program.  All promises of Allah are true; whatever is being told to you will happen exactly in that way.  But it is possible that some things will manifest during your life; and some after your death.  (But this does not make any difference.  You should carry on with your mission.  It is up to Us to decide when the results should manifest themselves ~ 43:42; 23:95; 10:46) Our Law of Mukafat continues functioning all the time; and every step of these people brings them closer to it.  They cannot go out of it.

78.        (We know that these people are in a hurry and ask you to definitively tell them the timing of the promised chastisement; and what the visible signs would be.  This demand is not new.)  Before you We had sent forth many a Rusul to various nations.  We have narrated to you the affairs of some of them.  There are others whose affairs have not been revealed to you.  None of them had the authority to bring forth the destruction about which he was warning his opponents.  All this happens according to the Law of Mukafat and respite.  When the time is ripe for the manifestation of the results, everything will be decided with absolute justice.  All the people who were involved in destructive efforts would perish.  (Just as it has happened before, it will do so in the same way.)

79.        (As regards their insistence on seeing some visible signs, there are thousands of Allah’s signs moving around them.  But what can be done about a person who does not want to take note of the signs.  Tell them) It is Allah Who has created for you the cattle; some of them you use for travelling and others you eat.

80.        And they have other benefits for you.  You carry your goods on them and reach your destination.  Besides these animals, you also travel on the boats.

81.        All these are signs of Allah, which are visible around you.  Which signs can you deny?

82.        (If these people want to observe how erroneous deeds destroy nations, then tell them)  You can travel around the earth and observe the ultimate end of the nations which lived before you.  They were more in number and greater in power than these people.  And they had better control over the means of sustenance derived from earth.  However their wealth and hard work could not save them from the destructive results of their deeds.  It was of no avail to them.

83.        For whenever their Rusul came to them with clear Divine Laws, they (belied those Laws) and were self-conceited about their own knowledge.  The result was that they were overtaken by the chastisement which they had ridiculed.

84.        When they saw the impending doom they cried out, “We now believe in One Allah and renounce all other beings to whom we ascribed a share in Allah’s divinity.”

85.        But that proclamation of Eiman was of no use to them.  (Only that Eiman is useful that is proclaimed before the manifestation of the consequences on one’s deeds; because at that time by taking corrective measures, there is still the possibility of eradicating the ill effects of one’s wrong deeds.)

This is the unalterable Law of Allah which has been in force since the beginning of man’s life on earth.  The gist of this law is that those who refuse to follow the Divine Law, undergo suffering and are ultimately destroyed.

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