ATTRIBUTES OF QURAN IN QURAN Quran is given many attributes inside the Quran. Such as- Adl – Justice (6:115) Ahsan…
Our Lord, Guide us to the Easy Path
ATTRIBUTES OF QURAN IN QURAN Quran is given many attributes inside the Quran. Such as- Adl – Justice (6:115) Ahsan…
How could Persian hadith defenders or apologists understand the Quran, because God has confirmed that their access to Quran is…
Whenever the term suju’d in its various derivatives appear in fifty five (approximately) verses, it always contextually relates to God’s…
THE NORM OF SHIRK, ASSOCIATION AND PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD Association and partnership with God is the everyday norm in every…
CONTEXT AND MEANING: Nun-Seen-Ka’f — ن س ك (or نُسُكِ in Q. 6:162) The term nusuk-e (نُسُكِ) is found in…
CONTEXTUALLY RATIONAL TRANSLATION OF Q.2:127-128 & Q. 22:67 [Q. 2: 127-128] “And so Abraham and Ishmael elevated ( yarfa-u يَرْفَعُ)…
THE WISDOM — AL-Kita’b and Al-Hikmah [Notes: This is an essential reading to debunk Mullah’s claim of Al-Hikmah as in…
This is the famous verse from Quran that orders us to obey Allah and obey the messenger, before misunderstanding this…
No matter how much derogatory and how far abusive behaviour comes from the subservient followers of those biblical mullahs, a…