SURAH 22 : Al-Hajj
SURAH 22 : Al-Hajj 1. O mankind! Be conscious of and guard the Laws of your Rabb (and establish your society on correct lines). If…
Our Lord, Guide us to the Easy Path
SURAH 22 : Al-Hajj 1. O mankind! Be conscious of and guard the Laws of your Rabb (and establish your society on correct lines). If…
SURAH 21 : Al-Anbiyâ 1. The Day of Reckoning of the consequences of whatever these people have been doing has come close and…
SURAH 20 : TâHâ 1. O addressee (Rasool)! 2. We have not revealed the Quran to make your life cumbersome or to deprive you…
SURAH 19 : MARYAM 1. Allah the Generous, Ever-guiding, Ever-living, All-knowingAll-seeing has said : 2. This is a narration of the bounties which your Rabb had…
SURAH 18 : AL-KAHAF (1-4) All Hamd is due to that Allah Who has revealed this Book to His devotee in which there is nothing…
SURAH 17 : BANI ISR’AEL (1) (The atmosphere in Makkah had become unbearable for the Jama’at-ul-Momineen and there was a little hope that the message…
SURAH 16 : AN-NAHL (1) Your opponents, time and again ask for the manifestation of what you warn them of. Tell…
SURAH 15 : AL-HIJR (1) Says Allah, the Aleem and Raheem that these are the verses of the book – Quran which is clear in itself.(2) That time is…
SURAH 14 : IBR’AHIM (1) Allah, Aleem and Raheem says: This is a book which We have sent down to you so that, you may, in…
SURAH 13: AR- RAD (1) Allah Aleem, Hakeem and Raheem says: These are the verses of the Book based upon truth which has been revealed to you…