SURAH 32 : AsSajdah
SURAH 32 : AsSajdah 1. Allah the All-knowing, All-Wise says: 2. This is the Divine Code wherein there is no uncertainty, ambiguity or…
Our Lord, Guide us to the Easy Path
SURAH 32 : AsSajdah 1. Allah the All-knowing, All-Wise says: 2. This is the Divine Code wherein there is no uncertainty, ambiguity or…
SURAH 31 : Luqmân 1. Allah the All Knowing, All Wise says: 2. These Laws are from the code of life which is an embodiment…
SURAH 30 : ArRûm 1. Allah, the AllKnowing, the All Wise, says:- 2. The Romans have been defeated (by the Persians), in the land…
SURAH 29 : Al-‘Ankabût 1. Allah the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, says: 2. (The clash between Kufr and Eiman has reached a stage where both groups have to…
SURAH 28 : Al-Qasas 1. So says Allah, the All powerful, All listening, All knowing that; 2. These laws are from that code of…
SURAH 27 : An-Naml 1. This is a directive from Allah, the All-powerful, All-hearing. The Divine Laws which are being presented to you are from…
SURAH 26 : Ash-Shu’arâ’ 1. Allah, the most Powerful, All-seeing, All-knowing says: 2. “These are the directives of the Divine Code which explains everything…
SURAH 25 : Al-Furqân 1. How great a bestower of bounties and immense blessing He is; He Who has revealed this Book to…
SURAH 24 : An-Nûr 1. We have revealed this Surah (like other Surahs of the Quran) and have made obedience to it obligatory (like other injunctions of…
SURAH 23 : Al-Mu’minûn 1. (Let Us tell you now about the people whose efforts will bear fruit and attain all-encompassing success, in…