SURAH 50 : Qâf

1.         Stop for a while and listen very attentively to what is being said! The teachings of the Quran stand testimony to the fact that this Book is sublime.

 2.         But (instead of pondering over the message of Quran and asking whether it really is the word of Allah or whether it is written by some human being) these people are surprised that the person who has been bestowed with the Quran is an ordinary human being like them.  Those who deny ‘Wahi‘ say, “What a strange thing it is that the recipient of Wahi is a human being like us!”  (In their opinion he should be superhuman.)

 3.         (Moreover they are surprised at Quran’s assertion that life is not restricted to this world only.  They ask in surprise) “Would we be returning to life again after we have died and have been reduced to dust?  It is far fetched to believe that the dead shall become alive again!”

 4.         Tell them We know what the earth consumes of them.  (It is only the physical body that disintegrates.  It has neither any effect nor any control over human personality or self.)  Deeds affect human personality (self) and not the body.  Therefore through the preservation of human personality (self) all deeds of a person are fully preserved with Us.  (The continuation of this process is called ‘the life hereafter’.)

 5.         This, the Law of Mukafat, is the established fact that they deny.  (They just do not want to believe that they will be called to account.  This is why) They remain in a state of utter and continuous confusion.

 6.         (If they cannot reflect over life after death or the Law of Mukafat as these are imperceptible facts, they can at least ponder over the universe which is perceivable; and see how this most amazing system is in operation according to divinely ordained laws.  Allah’s Law is prevalent  everywhere.)  Tell them that they can see the huge limitless space over them and the various cosmic bodies floating therein.  See how We have fashioned them and how beautifully We have adorned this ‘ceiling’.  They will not find any flaws therein (67:3).

 7.         And see how We have stretched the earth (inspite of it being spherical) and the huge mountains set firmly upon it (which besides providing other benefits are an important link in the earth’s water supply system).  We have also caused the earth to grow beautiful plants of various kinds.

 8.         To every person who wants to pay attention, all these things offer an insight into and serve as a reminder of forgotten realities.

 9.         We also cause water to rain down from clouds.  The water brings a multitude of blessings,  causing fruits to grow in gardens and grain crops in the fields;

 10.       And lofty date-palms with layers of thickly clustered dates.

 11.       We have created all this for the sustenance of human beings.  It is Allah’s Law according to which dead land comes to life due to rain; and a similar law will bring about the resurrection of dead.

 12.       (The denial of life hereafter is due to their fear of facing the Law of Mukafat.  Under the same motive)  Earlier nations also belied the same reality.  Take for example the people of Noah;  the folks of Ar-Rass (25:38) and Thamud;

 13-14.  The tribe of Aad and Pharaoh; that of Lot; the dwellers of the wooded dales (of Madiyan); and the people of Tubba.  They all belied Our Rusul.  (But their denial did not make any difference.  The results of their deeds were properly manifested and doom and destruction overtook them.)  Our Law confronted them as a stark reality.

 15.       Ask those who are in doubt about resurrection after death, whether (in their opinion) We were so tired by the creation of the universe and mankind (that We do not have the stamina for any new creation?) (46:33)

 16.       (Or do they believe that We can have no knowledge of what a person secretly does and that as such their deeds could not be questioned? This is a wrong notion.)  We are the ones who have created human beings (and obviously nothing can remain hidden from the Creator).  (Besides his visible deeds) We also know his thoughts and what transpires in his inner self.  (It is not that the Creator is sitting somewhere far away from His creation.)  We are closer to him than his jugular vein (and so nothing can remain hidden from Us).

 17.       We have arranged it so that whether he goes to the right or the left, the forces that keep record of his deeds always accompany him.

 18.       The moment he utters a word, the everready watchman promptly records it.

 19.       The stupor of death appears before his eyes as a truth; and death is a reality from which every person always tries to escape.

 20.       (While death occurs before your very eyes, you cannot perceive what happens afterwards. You just have to believe it.)  It is when human skeletons are infused with new energy that the promised life in the hereafter starts.

 21.       At that time every person will come to the court to hear the result of his deeds (and the guardians of his deeds would be with him).  One would watch over him while the other would push him from behind.

 22.       (He would be told), “You remained heedless during this life and so today We have removed the covering from your eyes.  Now your vision has become sharp and piercing (so much so that you can now clearly see the deeds of your previous life and their imperceptible results; and everything is before you in stark reality).

 23.       His record keeper (his own self) who is accompanying will say, “This is his record which is in my custody.  It is complete and up to date in all respects.”

 24.       Thus the decision would be taken according to this record.  People who had rejected the Divine Laws and had taken a rebellious course out of stubbornness or prejudice, will be thrown into Jahannum;

25.       In other words, for those who had withheld wealth (by not keeping it open and available for mankind’s development); rebelled against the Divine Order; remained in doubt about the Law of Mukafat; and

 26.       Set up other forces whose authority and power they accepted instead of that of Allah (the verdict about them would be)  “Cast them into the severe chastisement of Jahannum!”

 27.       (These people will accuse their companions of misleading them but)  Every companion will immediately say, “O our Rabb!  He is not telling the truth.  I never asked him to rebel against Your Laws.  He himself went far astray.”

 28.       (Allah would say) There is no use of arguing in my presence; for the truth was revealed unto you and the straight path had come before you.  (What difference does it make whether you went astray by yourself or someone else misled you?)

 29.       Our Law is unalterable and all decisions are taken according to it.  (However this does not mean that like other tyrant rulers We take a stern attitude.  No, not at all.)  We do not commit any aggression (zulm) on Our subjects (and everyone gets fair reward for his deeds).

 30.       (Thus any one who went astray will end up in Jahannum.  And Jahannum has no boundaries!)  On that day We will ask Jahannum, “Are you filled with criminals?”  The reply shall be, “No.  There is still lot of room!”  (Everyone who goes to Jahannum has prepared for it himself; and takes it with him.)

 31.       On the other hand, ‘Jannah‘ will be brought very close to the Muttaqeen.  It will no longer be far from them.  (Everyone’s Jannah is within him; and on that day he will be made aware of it.)

 32.       They will be told, “This is the Jannat which had been promised to you.   It was promised to everyone who would revert to Our Law in all matters; refrain from going against it; remember this principle for all time;

 33.       Has faith and conviction in (the truthfulness of) His order of Rahmat and Rabubiyyat; is afraid of the dreadful consequences of violating it; and comes unto His order with a completely submissive heart.

 34.       They will be told to enter Jannah with a sense of peace and security.  That henceforth will be the life of Jannah.

 35.       In this Jannah there will be every thing which they would desire; But there is even more with Us. (A human being’s desires are limited by his degree of consciousness.  He does not comprehend the next evolutionary stage of life.  As such any wish pertaining to that life cannot arise in his mind.  God’s knowledge is unlimited and hence He knows human needs in every stage of the evolutionary journey.)

 36.       (O Rasool!  Tell them that this is Allah’s Law of Mukafat.  However it is not necessary to wait for life in the hereafter to see it working.  The consequences of the collective deeds of nations also appear before them in this world.  According to this) How many earlier nations which were greater in power and strength, have we destroyed?

(When doom and destruction came over them)  They started wandering (in search of some refuge), but they could not find any place of refuge.

 37.       In these historical episodes, for those who have a living heart or who at least attentively listen to other people and then take note of it, there is a lot to learn (i.e. for those who apply their minds on these facts and then reach a conclusion on their own).

 38.       (Tell them to ponder over the great reality of how) Almighty created this huge wonderful universe and then by passing it through six different aeons, brought it to this stage without any tiredness.  Thus He will have no difficulty making human beings pass through further stages of evolution.

 39-40.  In any case, you should not get disturbed by whatever they say against you.  Remain steadfast and firm in your programme.  In order to prove that the Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat of your Rabb is worthy of all Hamd, you should always work hard (to establish it practically) from morning till evening, during the dead of night and in the early hours of the morning (52:49).

 41.       (After this there will be a clash with the adversaries.) The Day will arrive when from the place nearby the caller will give a call for battle (The adversaries will reach the outskirts of the city of Medina for attack.)

 42.       On the Day they hear the sound of the bugle, everyone will have to come out in the open field.

 43.       Then in the battlefield the decision on life or death will be made according to Our law of ability.  Only the group which has the right capability shall survive (8:42); and the final result of this clash will also be according to Our Law.

 44.       On that Day, when the earth is speedily split right before them (and they have to retreat) it will not be difficult for Us to gather these troops in the battlefield.

 45.       (Therefore you should not take any notice of what they say.) We are well aware of what they say.  You have not been sent as a tyrant ruler to forcibly compel and stop them from going towards the wrong path.  You should keep on presenting the Quran before them.  Only the one who is afraid of the working of Our Law of Mukafat will take a lesson from it (the law according to which the consequence of every wrong way is destruction).

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